5 mins

Vietnam's renewable revolution and its ripple effect on ASEAN power grids

25 Jun 2024
Vietnam has achieved a renewable energy revolution over recent years and stands out among Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states as the leading player in the share of renewable energy in total electricity generation.
> 10 mins

Foreseeable Podcast - A new era in Indonesia: Outcome and significance of its 2024 presidential elections

24 Apr 2024
Indonesian voters in Southeast Asia’s largest democracy elected the ticket of former military general Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in February 2024, but not without controversy. Gibran is the son of outgoing President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, who is accused of manipulating the courts to allow Gibran to run despite being below the constitutional minimum age. There are even charges of vote rigging that are being handled by Indonesia’s Election Supervisory Agency or Bawaslu and The General Elections Commission known as KPU. Associate Professor Suzaina Kadir is Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and an expert on politics in Southeast Asia. As an avid Indonesia watcher, we wanted to get her take on what the upcoming administration means for Indonesia domestically, regionally and globally.
7 mins

ASEAN’s challenges in an increasingly fragmented world

19 Apr 2024
How can the group of 10 nations remain relevant while facing superpower rivalries, internal divisions, and regional conflicts?
> 10 mins

Foreseeable Podcast - Macroeconomic and financial management in emerging Asian economies

26 Mar 2024
From booming GDP growth and low interest rates to raging inflation and a shrinking economy, most of us have a sense of how the macroeconomic ups and downs can affect our lives. But have you ever considered what it takes to keep an economy healthy?  Our guest certainly has. Ramkishen S. Rajan is Yong Pung How Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. He has been a Visiting Fellow at various regional research institutes, including the Asia Competitiveness Institute, the Institute of Policy Studies as well as the Asian Development Bank Institute.
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