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YIP, Sau Leung Paul

YIP, Sau Leung Paul

YIP, Sau Leung Paul

Senior Research Advisor

Dr. Yip is a Senior Research Advisor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Before joining the School, he was an Associate Professor in Economics at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He is also a part-time lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has gained extensive central banking, financial and commercial banking experiences through senior appointments at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Bank of China (Hong Kong), and the Bank of East Asia.

Dr. Yip has published papers in high-ranking economic, finance and management journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Finance and Economics, International Business Review, and International Review of Economics and Finance. He has also written important books on China’s Exchange System Reform, the Exchange Rate Systems in Singapore and Hong Kong, as well as a book and some policy journal papers on the Global Financial Crisis, Quantitative Easing, the latest Asian Property Bubbles, and Major Characteristics of Asset Bubbles and Financial Crises.

He has made significant policy contributions, through numerous policy recommendations to Chinese leaders as well as hundreds of in-depth policy proposals in major newspapers in Hong Kong, Singapore and China over the past 25 years. In particular, as shown in the attached list of his major policy contributions, he is (1) the original proponent of China’s exchange rate system reform in 2005-07, (2) a leading expert on Hong Kong’s linked exchange rate system, (3) a leading expert on Singapore’s exchange rate system and exchange rate policy; (4) the one who convinced the Singapore Government to gradually extend Singapore’s retirement age from 55 to 65; (5) an expert on the characteristics of property bubbles, stock market bubbles and financial crises; and (6) an expert on the market structure problem of the property markets and housing policies in Hong Kong, China and Singapore.

Research Interests:
  • Chinese Economy,
  • Exchange Rate Systems and Exchange Rate Policies, especially in China, Singapore and Hong Kong,
  • Exchange Rate and Macroeconomic Policies,
  • Characteristics of Asset Bubbles and Financial Crises,
  • Property Market Problems and Housing Policies in Asia,
  • Applied Econometrics in economics, finance and management studies.
More information: CV(Eng) | CV(Chi)