
IPS Update Issue September 2014

16 Sep 2014


In the Spotlight


Is it Time for Singapore to Consider a “Right-to-Die” Bill?

IPSCommons, a website set up by IPS to encourage discussion of public policy in Singapore, is starting its first online debate today. The topic is on whether Singapore should consider a “right-to-die” bill. Several countries have already instituted, or are considering, laws that allow terminally ill individuals to choose when they want to die. Professor Tommy Koh is in favour of such laws and supports the motion, while Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon is contesting his view. The public is invited to join the conversation over the next three weeks and cast their vote of support for either side. […]



First IPS-Nathan Lecture to take place on 20 October 2014

Businessman Ho Kwon Ping, the first S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore, is starting a series of five lectures on public policy and governance next month. For his first lecture on 20 Oct, Mr Ho will speak about the future of politics in Singapore in an age of social media. Read more about what he hopes to achieve with these lectures here. […]


IPS Corporate Associates Lunch: The Cocktail of Motivations behind Suicide Terrorism

Suicide bombers are believed to be uneducated, poor, religious fanatics or psychopaths. Speaking to IPS Corporate Associates, Professor Riaz Hassan from Flinders University disputed this view and discussed the societal circumstances that push individuals down this path of violence. […]


Study on Chinese, Malay and Tamil Blogospheres in Singapore

IPS has published its pioneering study on non-English language blogospheres. Click here for the report, and here for more about the seminar when the findings were first presented in April.



Christopher Gee and Yap Mui Teng: Adding a First Pillar to Old Age Support

The Silver Support scheme, as announced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during the National Day Rally, could form the first basic pillar to complement Singapore’s established second pillar that is the Central Provident Fund. Such a scheme could throw a lifeline to older persons with limited, irregular or no income during their lifetimes. […]


Gillian Koh: Making Vocational Ladder on Par with the Academic

The government’s move to level up the vocational education track, making it on par with the academic one, is timely. But change too should come from the Singaporean practice of human resource and talent management. […]


Faizal bin Yahya: Tightening Labour Market and SMEs

In the current tight labour market, SMEs struggle to attract and retain human capital for their business operations. While many measures are in place to help SMEs overcome this challenge, a cultural shift is required to attract more talent to SMEs. Building up stronger links between companies in the form of alliances and pooling of human capital resources would also help to ease the manpower crunch. […]


Sim Jui Liang: The Elusive “Community” in Community Arts

Community arts have in recent times become a buzzword in Singapore. Yet, discussions on this emerging field have hardly reflected on what exactly constitutes community arts and “community”, especially in an increasingly diverse Singapore. How we define these terms could even shed light on the relationship between the artist and the non-artist participants. […]


Paveena Seah: Dakota Crescent – Why We should Keep this Piece of Living History Alive

Slated for “future residential development”, the Dakota Crescent flats are likely to face demolition. Before the wrecking ball strikes, it is worthwhile to consider the option of conservation. The flats have a “retro” architectural design, and the estate bears witness to significant chapters in Singapore’s public housing and aviation history. […]


IPS Corporate Associates Lunch with Former NMPs
Date: 16 September 2014

Over lunch with IPS Corporate Associates, four members of the past batch of NMPs – Faizah Jamal, Janice Koh, Eugene Tan and Laurence Lien – will reflect on their experience in the House and give their views about how the NMP scheme could evolve and remain relevant in a climate of more competitive politics. Read more […]

Young Singaporeans Conference 2014: “Game-Changers”
Date: 22 September 2014

The YSC is an IPS flagship programme that gathers young Singaporeans to discuss issues of national interest. This year’s theme “Game-Changers”, urges participants to think ahead 25 years, envision the challenges Singapore may face and consider how they can prepare themselves for these “game-changers”. Read more […]

A Dialogue on Secularism and Religion: French and Singaporean Approaches
Date: 23 September 2014

How can countries guarantee their citizens the freedom to choose and practice their own faith while also combating exclusivism? Both France and Singapore have taken similar yet unique approaches and four speakers will discuss what they are. Read more […]

IPS Lunch Dialogue with Professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Date: 25 September 2014

“Antifragility” – the ability to embrace variability and risk, can improve the resilience of society to adverse events. Professor Taleb, the author of The Black Swan, will discuss his ideas for establishing antifragility as a principle of our socio-economic life. Read more […]

IPS Conference on Race, Religion and Language
Date: 9 October 2014

Scholars, policymakers and community champions will review the three foundational pillars of differences that define multicultural Singapore – race, religion and language – in this conference. Findings from a series of focus group discussions on inter-ethnic harmony will also be presented. Read more […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the retirement adequacy of Singaporeans, the importance of balancing social and economic goals here and the “spiral of silence” in social media. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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The IPS newsletter team comprises Chang Zhi Yang, Sim Jui Liang, Tan Chween Tah and Lynn Lee. To contact them, please e-mail 