
IPS Update Issue March 2016

18 Mar 2016


In the Spotlight


3rd Social Service Research Network (SSRN): “Transforming Research into Solutions”

How can research better translate into actionable solutions in the social service sector? The 3rd SSRN is a continuation of the previous years’ seminars, bringing in data scientists and academics, among others, to discuss how to help the sector progress.



IPS-Nathan Lectures: Bilahari Kausikan on US-China relations

US-China relations are mature but also infused with strategic distrust, said Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan in his second IPS-Nathan Lecture. While he elaborated on the roots of this distrust, he and lecture moderator, Ambassador Chan Heng Chee, emphasised that the US and China were essentially preoccupied with their own domestic affairs.


IPS Symposium on Media and Internet Use During General Election 2015

Last month, several academics came together to present a more detailed look at media and Internet use during the 2015 General Election, based on an online survey of 2,000 respondents. Their studies follow on from presentations made at the IPS Post-Election Conference last November.


Journal Publication: Transiting into the Singaporean Identity

IPS researchers Mathew Mathews and Debbie Soon jointly published in Migration Letters, an international peer-reviewed journal on migration studies. Their paper on immigration and naturalisation policy in Singapore examines the policy discourse, key symbols and narratives that are provided at naturalisation events, and demonstrates how these are used to evoke a sense of the ideal citizenship among new Singaporeans.


IPS Exchange Series: Challenges Faced by SMEs and Immigrant Integration

Two new IPS Exchange Series reports have been published. One is a primer that provides an updated overview of the SME landscape in Singapore and around the world, laying the groundwork for future research on SME development. The other showcases the efforts of community leadership both in discussing the issue of immigrant integration in Singapore as well as the efforts to do so in the sites of immigrant associations.


The Year in Review: Policy and Political Developments in 2015

The review, compiled by IPS’ Politics and Governance cluster, discusses the key developments in public policy, governance, and the political landscape in 2015, including the introduction of new policy initiatives like the SkillsFuture programme, and developments such as the passing of Singapore’s first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew.



Carol Soon: Filling the Information Vacuum Responsibly

People want to seek truth when tragedy happens. With technology, this can be achieved easily. But this also means that efforts to fill the information gap must be responsible. In the light of the furore resulting from the unfortunate suicide of the 14-year-old boy who was under police investigation for alleged molestation, the author suggests how sensitivity can be maintained in the quest for truth.


Mathew Mathews: Time to Engage the Non-Religious in Dialogue

An increasing number of Singaporeans today do not identify with any religion, compared to five years ago. How will the religiously fervent engage the growing religiously non-affiliated? Religious leaders have learnt how to talk to each other through state-organised mechanisms, but this is not the case when it comes to interacting with those who profess no religious affiliation.


Carol Soon: Let’s Have Internet Calibration, Instead of Regulation

With more people using new media to mobilise support for their causes, contests of opinion arising online on sensitive issues can be ugly. What can each of us do to create a better Internet? The author questions the effectiveness of legislation in creating a society of tolerance, and argues that there are positive signs that “self-calibration” can take place instead.


Gillian Koh: People-Centred Growth in Ascent to SG100

Geopolitical instability, a low-growth and low-demand world, robotics, and automation will affect Singapore’s future. In meeting these challenges, a truly successful journey to SG100 will not be a state-led story. Instead there will be greater emphasis on the role of other economic actors such as industry and the citizens, including the growing and thriving Singapore diaspora.


Tommy Koh: Taking Stock of Singapore-China ties – Past, Present and Future

Singapore and China recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Professor Tommy Koh takes stock of the important relationship over the years, and discusses the issues that could affect bilateral ties between the two countries.


Gillian Koh: Bukit Batok By-Election and the “Jurong Family Factor”

By-elections have generally been difficult for the People’s Action Party (PAP). With the assurance of the PAP in government, voters might take another look at the opposition camp. On the other hand, what the PAP has going for it in Bukit Batok is that the ward used to be part of Jurong GRC, and it could ride on the political capital built up over the years.


IPS-Tsao Foundation: Roundtable on “The Needs of Financially Vulnerable Male Seniors”
Date: 22 March 2016

At this roundtable, IPS and the Tsao Foundation will share the results of their study on the needs and issues faced by financially vulnerable older men, and what the possible solutions are. The Centre For Seniors (CFS) will also share their response to the issue. 

2015/16 IPS-Nathan Lectures – Southeast Asia and ASEAN
Date: 30 March 2016

Hear from Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan, who will talk about Southeast Asia and ASEAN in his third IPS-Nathan Lecture. 

IPS Corporate Associates Breakfast with Indranee Rajah on the 2016 Budget
Date: 31 March 2016

IPS traditionally organises a special session for its Corporate Associates after the Budget announcement each year. This year, Senior Minister of State for Finance, Ms Indranee Rajah, will helm a discussion on the key thrusts of Budget 2016, which will be delivered by Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat on 24 March. 

Applications Open for the 11th Annual Senior Management Programme at LKYSPP

The three-week long programme specially designed for senior executives and professionals in government, non-profit organisations and corporate bodies will take place from 16 May to 3 June 2016

IPS in the News

IPS researchers discuss the upcoming by-election and what it means to be Singaporean. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here

Read the newly launched Young Singaporeans Series!


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The IPS newsletter team comprises Chang Zhi Yang, Sim Jui Liang, Tan Chween Tah and Lynn Lee. To contact them, please e-mail 