
IPS Update Issue March 2015

17 Mar 2015


In the Spotlight


IPS Reactions to Budget 2015

Besides commenting on Budget 2015 in the print and broadcast media, IPS researchers wrote several op-eds discussing specific announcements in Budget 2015. These were published in The Straits Times and on IPSCommons.

Christopher Gee and Yap Mui Teng: The limits of using household data as a proxy for family

Christopher Gee and Yap Mui Teng: Silver Support Bonus should not be too restrictive

Faizal Bin Yahya and Chang Zhi Yang: How companies can make the most of the SkillsFuture Programme

Faizal Bin Yahya and Chang Zhi Yang: Budget 2015: The next lap of Singapore’s economic restructuring 



IPS Corporate Associates Lunch: A Dialogue on Budget 2015

Economic growth remains vital for Singapore, as “economic muscle” is needed for social spending, said Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin. He was speaking to IPS Corporate Associates over lunch, to discuss the key elements of Budget 2015.


IPS-Nathan Lectures: Ho Kwon Ping on Demography and Family

In his penultimate lecture on the topic of demography and family, S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore, Ho Kwon Ping addressed two issues at the opposite ends of the life-cycle spectrum. He began by discussing retirement adequacy and ended with his thoughts on boosting birth rates in Singapore. Mr Ho’s fifth and final lecture is on April 9.


Seminar on SG50 and Beyond: Singapore’s Skills Training Systems

Strengthening Singapore’s applied education pathways is necessary to ensure the career prospects of Singapore’s youth. Being an important pillar of Singapore’s social and economic development, the ITE system is vital for inclusive progress.


IPS Digital Frontiers Seminar: “Assessing the Rationality of Political Online Space: Man and Machine”

IPS has published the full report on its Digital Frontiers Seminar on online rationality. Click here for the report on the seminar, which was held on 11 February 2015.



Tommy Koh: Miracle on Waterloo Street

On Singapore’s Waterloo Street stands a Jewish synagogue, a Hindu temple and a Buddhist temple. The proximate location of places of worship of different religions attests to the peaceful co-existence of religions in Singapore. We owe this remarkable achievement to the important laws, policies and institutions crafted to promote religious harmony.


Carol Soon: How to Build a ‘Rational’ Cyberspace

The Internet as a rational space has become a much sought after ideal. Cultivating rationality online however requires us to first question what we understand as rationality and how society can find common ground where different reasons, passions and ends can be accommodated.


Christopher Gee: Helping Women who have Less to Count on in Retirement

Compared to men, older women in Singapore are likely to have accumulated less retirement savings, due to reasons such as a gender wage gap and limited participation in the formal economy. More measures could be implemented to secure their lifelong financial security, including the addition of a spousal survival benefit to CPF Life.


Elaine Ho: Staying Positive for the Next Lap

Happiness is an elusive concept and one measurement would be the people’s sense of optimism for the future. A recent IPS study found that Singaporeans’ level of optimism varied across housing types, with those living in larger housing types expecting higher levels of well-being in the near future.


Changing Age Structure, Financial Distress and Asset Dynamics in the U.S.
Date: 18 March 2015

Technology has revolutionised work processes, changed the labour market dynamics and is contributing to a widening wage disparity. Professor Frank Stafford from the University of Michigan will discuss the impact of these disruptions on families’ asset decisions and psychological well-being. 

IPS Book Launch of INTRACO – Blazing a Trail Overseas for Singapore?
Date: 25 March 2015

Established in 1968 by the Singapore government, INTRACO played a pivotal role in the nation’s early days of development. But a confluence of changing domestic priorities, global events and economic trends led to the eventual divestment of the state trading company. What lessons can be drawn from the INTRACO story? 

IPS-Nathan Lectures: Society and Identity
Date: 9 April 2015

In his last IPS-Nathan Lecture, Ho Kwon Ping, the S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore, will discuss issues that confront Singapore’s society and identity as a nation.

Applications open for the 10th annual Senior Management Programme at LKYSPP

The four-week programme specially designed for leaders in government, non-profit organisations and corporate bodies will take place from 18 May to 12 June 2015

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on class matters in Singapore, retirement adequacy, Singapore’s overseas diasporas and Budget 2015. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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The IPS newsletter team comprises Chang Zhi Yang, Sim Jui Liang, Tan Chween Tah and Lynn Lee. To contact them, please e-mail 