
IPS Update Issue June 2014

16 Jun 2014


In the Spotlight


50 Books to Commemorate Singapore’s Big 50

Singapore celebrates 50 years of independence next year. To commemorate this milestone, IPS will launch Singapore Chronicles, a series of 50 books on Singapore’s history, politics, economy, culture and living environment that together, give a comprehensive picture of the country as a whole. Each book will be written by a subject expert and serve as a primer on a particular subject. The ensemble of authors includes many Singaporeans recognised for their contributions to academia, journalism and policymaking, such as Ambassador Chan Heng Chee; former Permanent Secretaries Peter Ho and Bilahari Kausikan; sociologist Chua Beng Huat; biologist N. Sivasothi; food writer Sylvia Tan; and journalists Zuraidah Ibrahim and Godfrey Robert. […]



IPS Exchange Series: Population Outcomes Singapore 2050

The Population Outcomes Singapore 2050 Report is the result of more than two years of research and consultation by the Demography and Family Cluster of IPS and 55 experts from various fields. It seeks to understand the challenges arising from Singapore’s shifting demography and the associated policy implications. A total of 125 recommendations cutting across all aspects of public policy were generated from this project. […]


IPS Corporate Associates Breakfast: Anticipating Strategic Surprises – Insights from the Government’s Strategic Futures Network

Well known for its focus on scenario-planning, the Singapore Government has in recent years focused on futures methodology to identify wild cards and black swans – or emergent, sudden and discontinuous trends – so that they can respond swiftly and appropriately to increasingly complex issues. Three members from the Government’s Strategic Futures Network gave a group of over 20 IPS Corporate Associates some insights into their work. […]


Summary Report of the 21st SER

IPS recently held the 21st Singapore Economic Roundtable in May. With G3 recovery gaining sustainable traction, participants from the public and private sectors discussed how Singapore’s economy would be affected. Also featured at the forum was the discussion of the “Asian Century” and the debate on innovation development in Singapore. […]



Carol Soon: Making Singapore a Digital Village

Technology and the Internet can be harnessed to foster the positive spirit of community collaboration. A “digital village” in Singapore would allow members of the community to collectively identify problems, pool resources, produce solutions and improve their lives. Those in need would be connected to those who can help meet their needs. […]


Chiang Wai Fong: Lollipop or Firework – Language Identity Dilemma

As a country of immigrants and to foster a national identity, Singapore introduced the concept of a “national language” with a de-emphasis on ancestry and culture. When the “national language” differs from the “mother tongue” and citizens are ingrained to be loyal to the “national language”, it could lead to identity fragmentation and language dilemmas. […]


Gillian Koh and Yvonne Guo: Adapting Swiss Policies to Needs of Singapore

Singapore has long looked to Switzerland as a model for know-how in growing the economy and developing a world-class workforce. On the political front, the Swiss version of direct democracy could offer insights into how citizens can be educated on policy debate and be entrusted with the responsibility of choice. But integrating citizen preferences in policy-making has to suit the local context. […]


IPS Corporate Associates Boardroom Briefing
Date: 1 July 2014

The demographic, socio-economic and cultural diversity of Southeast Asia requires business leaders to take a customised approach to managing and retaining talent across different markets in the region. Ms Karen Cariss, co-author of the book Talented Southeast Asia: Building Success through Talent Management Excellence will speak to IPS Corporate Associates on the workforce characteristics of six ASEAN countries and analyse the implications for businesses looking to capitalise on opportunities in the region. Read more […]

Twelfth Family Research Network (FRN) Forum: “Understanding the Early Years in Childhood – A Singapore Perspective”
Date: 15 July 2014

Managed by IPS, the FRN forum brings together a network of academics, researchers and policy-makers through a series of closed-door sessions to engage in regular discussions on family research. The Twelfth FRN will focus on early childhood from a Singapore perspective. Read more […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the future of the NMP scheme, the current debate on reforms to the CPF scheme, and the implications of transforming the educational system to support more open pathways for development. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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