
IPS Update Issue August 2017

15 Aug 2017


In the Spotlight

P1_150817IPS Launches Public Data Sharing System

The IPS Public Data Sharing Platform has gone live. Datasets from many of our surveys, such as the IPS Study on Perceptions of Singapore’s History, are now available free of charge to members of the public, subject to terms and conditions.



(The Straits Times)
By Tommy Koh

Size is not just about territory or population, observes IPS Special Adviser Professor Tommy Koh. He writes, “In some respects, Singapore is a small country. In other respects, Singapore has outperformed other bigger countries. Singaporeans should be quietly proud of their achievements but remain humble and modest. We must never become proud and arrogant.”


P3_150817IPS Working Papers No. 27: Parents’ Perceptions of the Singapore Primary School System

What do parents in Singapore think about the Primary School System here? What do they consider to be a “good school”, and how stressed are they because of their child’s education? IPS released our survey findings from the study on Parents’ Perceptions of the Singapore Primary School System last month. The full report is available online.

P4_150817IPS Study on Stay-at-Home Fathers

IPS is conducting a study on stay-at-home fathers who provide care for their children and are responsible for household duties. This will provide valuable insights on the evolving nature of fatherhood and families, their needs and aspirations, and how society and communities might better support these families. Information on the study and eligibility criteria may be found here.

P5_150817IPS-DPA Roundtable on Employment Discrimination against People with Disabilities

What kinds of unfair treatment do people with disabilities face at work, and how might such discrimination be “invisible” to others? IPS and the Disabled People’s Association held a Roundtable to discuss the results of a study that examined these questions. The project was designed as a participatory research project, where people with disabilities were trained to take on the role of researchers in the study.

P6_150817IPS Closed-Door Discussion on the Digital Economy and Challenges in the Process of Transformation

Singapore is a highly connected society that is heavily plugged into a digital world. But our perennial limitations, such as land and labour, may still put us at a disadvantage. This Closed-Door Discussion explored how Singapore can deal with these challenges and maintain our edge in a digital future.


Action Plan Singapore

What will Singapore’s socio-economic landscape look like in 2026, and how will the issues of longevity, innovation, and skills affect that future? Action Plan Singapore is IPS’ scenario-planning project to discuss Singapore’s future in 2026. To find out more about the project’s key findings, check out this infographic we have just released.


Asia Journalism Forum: “Reporting Facts and the Future of Journalism”
Date: 17-18 August 2017

The Asia Journalism Fellowship is an excellent mid-career programme for outstanding media professionals. As part of the Fellowship, this forum, funded by Temasek Foundation Connects, will discuss fake news, the future of journalism, and future trends in information industries.

Lunch Dialogue with Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan: “Understanding Singapore’s Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Relations”
Date: 25 August 2017 Time: 12.00 Noon – 2.00pm

Singapore’s foreign policy and relations with key global players have garnered much attention recently. What does the Singapore business community need to understand about our foreign policy and geopolitical opportunities? Ambassador-at-Large and IPS’ 2015/16 S R Nathan Fellow Bilahari Kausikan will engage our Corporate Associates on these issues at a lunch dialogue.

IPS Forum on Parents and Schooling
Date: 31 August 2017 Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm

On 17 July 2017, IPS released a report on parents’ perceptions of the Singapore primary school system. Key findings from the report will be examined at this IPS forum, which will bring together scholars, policymakers, educators and other key stakeholders to discuss issues such as the notion of “every school a good school”, academic stress, and the future education landscape.

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers commented on multiracialism in Singapore, and the upcoming Presidential Elections.
To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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