
IPS Update Issue April 2020

15 Apr 2020

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In the Spotlight

P1_In The Spotlight_150420

Several members of the IPS Corporate Associates Programme were hosted for lunch by Changi Airport Group (CAG) CEO Mr Lee Seow Hiang last month. Mr Lee shared about how the experience from developing Jewel could be applied to CAG’s future plans, and the depth of the impact of Covid-19 on CAG, the aviation industry and the economy.

Before lunch, IPS Corporate Associates were given a tour of Jewel Changi Airport and its main attractions. This event was part of the Pontiac Land-IPS Thought Leaders Lunch series with Professor Tommy Koh and Dr Kwee Liong Keng, organised for distinguished members of the IPS Corporate Associates Programme. Find out more about the programme here.


P2_Commentary Fighting an information avalanche during Covid-19 outbreak_150420

Commentary — “Fighting an information avalanche during Covid-19 outbreak”
By Carol Soon
• 5-min read

Information overload is an old problem, but it has been magnified by digital innovation. Governments and health practitioners are contending with an overwhelming volume of information that flows relentlessly across borders. Find out how the government and Singaporeans can use AI — Anticipation and Inoculation — against the information avalanche during the Covid-19 outbreak.

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Commentary — “Singapore Staying Strong Through COVID-19” 
(IPS Commons)
By Tasha Tan
• 5-min read

Covid-19 has revealed both the good and ugly sides of people in Singapore. Can we hold together as a nation if the situation worsens? How can we shore up social resilience across generations and people groups?

P4_Commentary Heres how two key Singapore industries and workers can transform in times of crisis_150420

Commentary — “Here’s how two key Singapore industries (and workers) can transform in times of crisis” 
By Faizal Yahya and Shazly Zain
• 5-min read

Many businesses in Singapore are bracing themselves for a downturn lasting months due to Covid-19. Our researchers explain how the maritime and construction industries can experiment with new technologies during this down time. They also discuss the role of individuals in reshaping Singapore’s industries, in view of long-term global trends of tech-led economic transformation. 

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Commentary — “Singapore has substantial kitty to tide it through virus crisis”
(The Business Times)
By Christopher Gee
• 5-min read

In the supplementary Resilience Budget, the proposed S$17 billion draw-down on past reserves is less than the S$18.6 billion of Net Investment Returns (NIR) that was retained to build up the reserves for the future in this year's Budget. 

IPS’ Christopher Gee explains that there is still a substantial war chest that can be drawn upon for future emergencies.

P6_Commentary Sensitising the Malay-Muslim community to the Covid-19 outbreak_150420

Commentary — “Sejauh mana masyarakat Melayu/Islam peka terhadap wabak COVID-19”
(Berita Mediacorp)
By Mohamad Shamsuri Juhari
• 5-min read

Dr Mohamad Shamsuri Bin Juhari writes about the need to sensitise the Malay-Muslim community to the Covid-19 outbreak, in response to preventive containment measures such as the decision to temporarily close mosques, and by being more critical in evaluating received information, while increasing trust in regulated, credible and responsible sources of information. 

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Commentary — “What small businesses need now”
By Faizal Yahya and Shazly Zain
• 3-min read

The recent rise in Covid-19 cases has created a new working paradigm in Singapore. Small businesses need to be armed with the technology to survive and to provide continued employment for Singaporeans going forward, so is this the time to bring back the Productivity and Innovation Grant (PIC)? 

P7_Commentary Social trust vital in helping Singaporeans tide through Covid-19_150420

Commentary — “Social trust vital in helping Singaporeans tide through Covid-19”
By Mathew Mathews and Teo Kay Key
• 4-min read

In times of crisis such as the Covid-19 outbreak, trust is essential to bring communities together and ensure that mitigating measures are effective. While institutions can be depended upon to act for the welfare of Singaporeans and help reduce distrust, it is still important to preserve and build trust among the community.

IPS researchers outline some factors and negative perceptions towards different groups that can undermine social trust during this period.

Recent Releases on the IPS Website

P9_SP2020 Report_150420Report — Singapore Perspectives 2020 “Politics”

This report provides a recap of IPS’ flagship conference held earlier this year. The conference featured dialogue sessions with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat and Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing. The panel speakers comprised public intellectuals, civic activists and youth leaders, and engaged attendees in a socio-historical dialogue about Singapore’s politics — past, present and future.

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