
EU Centre in Singapore publishes LKYSPP students' Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE) Report

5 Jul 2019

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The EU Centre published a report on “Countering Islamic State-inspired Terrorism in the EU and ASEAN: A Comparative Analysis of Policies” by Nirnaya Bhatta, Yen Shan Chen, Francesco Gaetano Fazzi, Linlin Hao and Sudarta. This report discusses the emerging threats from Islamic State-inspired terrorism and their recruitment strategies. It highlights why counter-terrorism authorities need to be sceptical about the ‘territorial defeat' of the Islamic State, and must continue to invest in counter-terrorism strategies, particularly in preventive measures to mitigate the potential threats.

This report derives from the Policy Analysis Exercise required for the Master’s in Public Policy progamme by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore (NUS).

Read more here or download the report using this link.