
Workshop on “The Role and Impact of Digitalisation on our Well-being and Resilience”

Digitalisation – the process of rising interconnectedness afforded by the online space – is everywhere. From interpersonal communication to the mobilisation of collective action and the influence of national elections, the proliferation of digital platforms have contributed to many social consequences.  

Governments from different parts of the world struggle to cope with the impacts of digitalisation while maximising its benefits. Singapore is no different – we face the same conundrum, although our social, political and legal landscapes may render a different manifestation of the effects of digitalisation.

Through this workshop, we seek to explore the impacts of digitalisation, specifically: What effects does digitalisation have on our individual well-being and, at a larger scale, our social and national resilience? What can be done to harness the positive aspects of digitalisation while managing any adverse outcomes?

We address these questions through three panels – the first panel sketches the digital landscape in Singapore and focuses on the usage of the digital space by various communities in Singapore, the second panel focuses on use of technology by individuals and families, exploring various cyber-wellness approaches, and the third panel looks at digitalisation at the societal and collective level.

Please view the programme here.


Seminar Room 4-4, Block B Level 4,
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,
National University of Singapore (Bukit Timah Campus)

Wed 27 June 2018
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM