
Workshop on Economic Reform and Development

ACI collaborated with The Asia Foundation (TAF) for a joint workshop on Economic Reform and Development. It was held recently in the school from 24 – 27 February. Close to 50 TAF officers from 17 countries participated in the forum together with ACI faculty and researchers to share their research work on governance issues relating to economic development.

Representatives from Temasek Foundation and the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise also joined in some of the sessions. Arising from the workshop, ACI is exploring various potential collaborations with TAF. While ACI offers education and research programs on competitiveness and public sector governance, TAF is equipped with field officers possessing ground experience implementing economic reform and development programs in various parts of the world. The complimentary skills and intellectual knowledge are envisaged to bring about synergies for both organisations.

Li Ka Shing Building, Bukit Timah Rd, Singapore 259772
Sat 24 January 2009
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM