Harvard Singapore Foundation Social Capital Lecture Series

Strengthening Connections: Building Social Capital in Singapore

Social capital refers to the networks, relationships, and trust that exists within a community, enabling cooperation and mutual support. The dialogue “Strengthening Connections: Building Social Capital in Singapore” aims to explore the concept of social capital and its significance in fostering a cohesive and inclusive society in Singapore. The event is part of Harvard Singapore Foundation - Social Capital Lecture Series held in conjunction with our flagship event, the Singapore Futures Youth Competition.

The event will bring together the next generation community leaders and individuals passionate about social development to explore the importance of social capital, its role in building resilient communities, and ways to foster stronger social connections. By fostering an environment of collaboration, learning, and engagement, the event aims to inspire positive change and lay the foundation for a more cohesive and resilient society in Singapore. 

You may visit the LKYSPP Facebook LIVE page to view the live stream and share your comments and questions.
Fri 16 June 2023
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Ms Carrie Tan

Ms Carrie Tan

Non-profit Founder, Healing Coach and Member of Singapore Parliament

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Dr Anie Febriastati

Dr Anie Febriastati

Senior Associate Director, Executive Education Singapore Futures, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

More About Chairperson