Thank you to all alumni based in Singapore for coming to the 2014 Singapore Alumni Dinner! We hope you have enjoyed the night with us, and we hope to see you again in our next gathering.
Full set of photos are available on the
Alumni Portal.
It gives us great pleasure to invite you, our esteemed alumni, to a Lo Hei Dinner with LKY School Alumni Relations Team, faculty and management on Thursday 13 February 2014 at 6.00 pm.
Prof. Kenneth Paul Tan, Vice-Dean (Academic Affairs), Dr. Chan Mun Kitt, Acting Director, External Affairs, Dr. Suzaina Kadir, Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) & Senior Lecturer and the senior management of Academic and External Affairs’ Departments will be present.
We hope to facilitate the setting up of a LKY School Singapore alumni chapter and appreciate if you will send in your nominations, including any self-expression of interest, to
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Please RSVP your attendance at your earliest convenience or latest by
Thursday, 6 February 2014. This will help us in facilitating arrangements.
Look forward to seeing you.