Alumni Event

Shanghai Alumni Welcomes the Visit of LKYSPP Professors

Shanghai Alumni Welcomes the Visit of LKYSPP Professors

10月27日晚,我会新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院上海校友会举办联谊交流活动,热烈欢迎来沪参加国际会议的母校老师EDUARDO教授和Wu Xun教授。校友们向母校老师介绍了各自毕业后的职业发展情况,以及即将在上海举办的首届中国国际进口博览会。两位教授也介绍了母校发展及各自学术研究情况。



Shanghai Alumni Welcomes the Visit of LKYSPP Professors

On Oct 27 evening, LKYSPP Shanghai Alumni Chapter hosted a welcome party in honor of visiting Prof. Eduardo Araral and Prof. Wu Xun (former LKYSPP faculty). The alumni briefed professors their career development after graduation and the upcoming China International Import Expo. Professors introduced their academic research as well as recent development of the School.

Invited to speak at China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong on 26 October, Prof. Araral was also warmly received by Mr. Liu Genfa, VP of LKYSPP Shanghai Alumni Chapter.

Having served as Vice Dean for Research (June 2015 to December 2017) and Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs (July 2009 to December 2011) at LKYSPP, Prof. Araral has received numerous international and local awards and recognitions, advised senior government officials in various countries. Prof. Wu Xun is now Founding Head, Division of Public Policy; Director, Institute for Public Policy, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. They are both popular among students and alumni, and jointly participated in the “Global Cities Forum: Global City Green Development”, which was held in Shanghai on 27 October 2018.



Written by NUS LKYSPP Shanghai Alumni Chapter

Shanghai, China
Sat 27 October 2018
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM