EESF Futures Forward Webinar

S02EP01: The Future of Arts and Culture

Arts and culture can be used as a lens through which we explore uncertainty and examine both the need for and limitations of human agency in an increasingly complex future. Given its uninhibited nature, art allows us to operate without many of the constraints that characterise other ways of approaching and imagining the future. While it may not provide us with definite answers, it can help us formulate the right questions. 

As part of our new Season Two of the Futures Forward series, join us as we explore how existing and emerging pressures, innovations, and models of arts and culture might unfold, and understand what these changes may mean for all aspects of art and culture ecosystems.

Wed 16 February 2022
05:15 PM - 06:30 PM

Mr Nicklas Larsen

Mr Nicklas Larsen

Senior Advisor, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, Denmark

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Mr Scott Smith

Mr Scott Smith

Founder and Managing Partner, Changeist, The Netherlands

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Mr Paul Tan Kim Liang

Mr Paul Tan Kim Liang

Poet and Former Deputy CEO of the National Arts Council, Singapore

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Annette Mees

Annette Mees

Artistic Director Audience Labs and Visiting Senior Research Fellow in Culture and Creative Industries - King’s College London, UK

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Ms Cheryl Chung

Ms Cheryl Chung

Programme Director, Executive Education Singapore Futures, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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