EESF Futures Forward Webinar

S02EP06: The Future of Food

Global ecological, health and geopolitical crises have brought home the precarity of our food system, and the danger of it failing both people and planet. After decades of generally improving nutrition worldwide, food insecurity has been on the rise, with the looming challenge of feeding an expected population of 9+ billion people by mid-century. Crises and pressures, and a sense of great opportunity for change, have led to more socio-political momentum for action across the global agrifood ecosystem. A slew of technological, social and policy innovations have arisen, and visions of a more just, ecological, and fit-for-purpose food system.

Will the future of food be tasty, bitter, or surreal for people, planet, and the global agrifood ecosystem? A diverse panel will share their thoughts on tectonic shifts in the food security landscape, emerging food tech disruptions and their ripple effects, and civil society perspectives on co-creating a more people-centred and sustainable food system.
Wed 31 August 2022
05:15 PM - 06:30 PM

Ms Madhumitha Ardhanari

Ms Madhumitha Ardhanari

Principal Sustainability Strategist, Forum for the Future

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Mr Chee Zhi Kin

Mr Chee Zhi Kin

Co-Founder, City Sprouts

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Dr  Zhang Hongzhou

Dr Zhang Hongzhou

Research Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)

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Mr  Luke Tay

Mr Luke Tay

Founder, Cornucopia FutureScapes & Executive Education Singapore Futures Fellow, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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