Dialogue Session

MENDAKI-IPS Policy Dialogue 2019: ‘Progressing as a Community: Educating Malay/Muslim Youth for the Future’

In collaboration with the Yayasan MENDAKI’s Research and Planning Department (RPD), the Institute of Policy Studies is organising a Dialogue on Progressing as a Community: Educating Malay/Muslim Youth for the Future on Thursday, 31 October 2019.

Organised as part of Yayasan MENDAKI’s inaugural Raikan Ilmu (Celebrate Knowledge) month, the dialogue aims to outreach and engage the Malay/Muslim community in national policy issues of relevance to them. It provides a unique platform for community stakeholders to voice out multiple views in an informed manner. We hope to facilitate deep conversations and lead in the thought leadership process, by tapping on renowned evidence-based research capabilities and academic rigour to highlight critical gaps and complement thought-provoking discussions.

For Malay/Muslim youth, they can get connected to volunteer initiatives at various Malay/Muslim organisations or via self-initiated ground-up efforts. Regardless of the form of community involvement, this seminar hopes to:

  1. highlight and promote the participation of Malay/Muslim youth in these national conversations,
  2. support Malay/Muslim youth ideas and aspirations for themselves and Singapore, and
  3. explore ways of bringing youth ideas to fruition for the common good.

 Media Coverage
Thu 31 October 2019
02:00 PM - 04:45 PM