Corporate Associates Event

Lunch with Mr R James Breiding

Why has Switzerland – a tiny, land-locked country with few natural advantages – become so successful for so long at so many things? In banking, pharmaceuticals, machinery, even textiles – Swiss companies are among the biggest and most powerful global competitors. How did they get there? How do they continue to reinvent themselves? Does the Swiss “Sonderfall” (special case) provide lessons from which others can learn and benefit? Can the Swiss continue to perform in a hyper-competitive global economy? The Swiss Economic Miracle offers carefully-argued answers to these and many other questions about the country as it describes the origins, structures and characteristics of the most important Swiss companies. The authors suggest that success is due in large degree to sound entrepreneurial thinking and an openness to new ideas; they also venture a perhaps surprising forecast on the country’s ability to keep pace in an age of globalization.

This event is supported by the Swiss Embassy in Singapore.  

Ballroom 1, Orchard Hotel Singapore

Mon 27 May 2013
12:30 PM - 02:00 PM

Mr R James Breiding

Mr R James Breiding

Author of “SWISS MADE: The Untold Story Behind Switzerland’s Success”, and Founder and Owner of Naissance Capital

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