Corporate Associates Event

Lunch with Dr Raj. Thampuran on "A*STAR, driving innovation and being future-ready"

Science and technology is the lifeblood of growth and they have undergirded Singapore’s R&D efforts, transforming Singapore into the knowledge-based and innovation-driven economy it is today. With intensifying global competition and rapid technological changes brought about by the digital age, companies and industries are being disrupted. To survive and thrive, they need to embrace open innovation and forge partnerships to accelerate research and take their innovations to the next level.

As a mission-oriented Science and Technology organisation, the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) develops industry sectors by taking on a differentiated approach to working with companies, creating economic value and enhancing lives.

What is A*STAR’s role in developing capabilities and collaborations to drive open innovation and ensure that we are future-ready?

Fri 26 August 2016
12:15 PM - 02:00 PM

Dr Raj. Thampuran

Dr Raj. Thampuran

Managing Director of A*STAR

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