Alumni Event

LKYSPP Alumni Shanghai Chapter’s 1st Council Meeting

On 16 May 2021, LKYSPP Alumni Shanghai Chapter held its first council meeting. The meeting was hosted by Ji Xiaoye, the Chapter’s President, with the attendance of 10 members from the Chapter’s committee and secretariat, including Vice Presidents Geng Jing, Zhu Jianhao and Liu Genfa.

LKYSPP alumni Shanghai Chapter first council meeting

During the meeting, they reviewed the Chapter’s activities since 2020. The Chapter responded to various calls for fundraisings during Covid-19, organised Bon Voyage event to welcome new alumni and students to the community, actively attended events launched by NUS and LKYSPP such as LKYSPP Alumni Chapter Presidents’ e-Summit, as well as building a larger network to connect our alumni with other alumni associations in China. The Chapter also played its role as an ambassador of friendship between Singapore and China. The meeting also discussed the future workplan on succession planning, the collaboration between the committee and secretariat and how to further increase the Chapter’s impact among alumni.

Sun 16 May 2021
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM