During the recent student recruitment trip to Shanghai between 24 – 25th September, the LKY School Shanghai Alumni Chapter has gathered and put together a warm welcome to receive the delegates from LKY School External Affairs & Marketing Team. The LKY School team was represented by the following officers – Ms. Tracy Lee, Associate Director, Mr. Louis Low, Coordinating Head of Regions (Admissions), and Ms. Mia Lu, Assistant Head of Region (North Asia).
The LKY School Shanghai Alumni gathered on the 25th September 2016 to warmly receive Mr. Louis.
In a light and enjoyable atmosphere, Mr. Louis and LKY School team updated the Shanghai Alumni Chapter of the recent developments in LKY School. The alumni also took turn to share their recent professional developments, and the memorable experiences they had when they were studying in Singapore.
The Shanghai Alumni Chapter looks forward to continue forging the amiable relationship and friendly exchanges they have with the LKY School.
(Lee Kuan Yew School Shanghai Alumni Chapter)
9月25日晚,我会新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院上海校友会举行联谊聚会,欢迎来上海开展招生推介活动的母校对外事务和营销部负责人Tracy Lee、Louis Low和Mia Lu。校友们从三位老师那了解了母校最新发展动态,交流了各自职业发展情况,并希望今后能继续与母校保持愉快且富有成效的交流合作。