Alumni Event

Jakarta Dinner and Alumni Chapter Inauguration

Last month in Jakarta, faculty and staff from the LKY School had the chance to catch up with some Indonesian alumni.  Included in the group were also Australian alumna Ms Sarah Flomersfeld (MPP 2011) who is based at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta and Cambodian alumnus Mr Serey Vath Hor (MPA 2012) who was completing his attachment at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta. There was plenty of food and lively conversation as old friends reunited and new friends were introduced. The alumni also took the opportunity to get down to the serious business of nominating representatives of the new LKY School Indonesian alumni chapter.  The official appointments will be made shortly and announced on the  LKYSPP alumni portal.


L-R standing : Mr Serey Vath Hor (MPA 2012), Ms Sarah Flomersfeld (MPP 2011), Mr Fauzan Zidni (MPP 2009), Mr Angga Airlangga (MPP 2010), Ms Peggy Kek (Director of External Affairs and Partnerships, LKYSPP)
L-R seated: Mr Andrew Billo (MPP 2011, Associate Director of External Affairs, LKYSPP), Mr Kris Wijoyo Soepandji (MPP 2013), Mr Taufik Ramadhan Indrakesuma (MPP 2011), Ms Ira Martina Drupady (MPP 2010), Dr Suzaina Kadir, Assistant Dean, LKYSPP

Al Nafoura, Le Méridien Jakarta, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Kav. 18-20, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Mon 23 September 2013
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM