Corporate Associates Event

IPS Corporate Associates Dinner with Mr Ng Chee Khern

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant change to the way companies do business. In restructuring their operations and work arrangements, many have turned to digital solutions. In a survey conducted by the Singapore Business Federation in late 2020, more than eight in 10 businesses reported having accelerated their digital transformation due to the pandemic, and 39% of companies reported having increased their IT budgets.

The Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO) under the Prime Minister’s Office is responsible for the push towards a Smart Nation. Efforts such as GoBusiness (a platform for business to access government services and resources) and digitalPORT@SG (a one-stop portal for ships calling at Singapore) have increased accessibility and streamlined processes for businesses During the pandemic, digital tools such as SafeEntry and TraceTogether have been crucial in managing the spread of the virus, saving lives and enabling some resumption of normalcy.

What more should be done? While the onset of COVID-19 spurred the digitalisation agendas of many organisations, how can we maintain this momentum as we settle into new norms? Can digitalisation be a competitive advantage for Singapore and its businesses? On the people front, what will digitalisation efforts mean for workers, and how can the country continue its digital journey while ensuring that pockets of society are not left behind in the process?

Join us as we hear from Mr Ng Chee Khern on building a digital-first nation and his thoughts on Singapore’s future. The session will be held over the Zoom teleconferencing platform, with IPS curating a meal to be delivered to each participant.

Tue 15 March 2022
07:30 PM - 09:00 PM

Mr Ng Chee Khern

Mr Ng Chee Khern

Permanent Secretary, Smart Nation and Digital Government Office, Prime Minister’s Office

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