Entitled “Revisitings”, the conference will re-examine some of the critical issues facing Singapore. These include Meritocracy, Housing, Pluralism and Social Compact. Speakers will consider how the Singapore model can be adapted to better address emerging challenges.
The conference programme will feature Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister for Home Affairs and Law Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Education Mr Chan Chun Sing, Senior Minister of State for National Development and Foreign Affairs Ms Sim Ann, as well as prominent thought leaders such as Professor Chan Heng Chee, Associate Professor Daniel Goh, Ms Zuraidah Ibrahim, Ms Corinna Lim and Associate Professor Walter Theseira.
Please click here to view the programme.
Opening Address by IPS Director Mr Janadas Devan
Speech by IPS Director Mr Janadas Devan at the IPS 35th Anniversary Conference: Revisitings•
Presentation Slides of Mr Janadas Devan
Panel 1: Revisiting Meritocracy
Report on Panel 1•
Speech by Minister for Education Mr Chan Chun Sing at the IPS 35th Anniversary Conference: Revisitings
Panel 2: Revisiting Housing
Report on Panel 2•
Speech by Senior Minister of State for National Development and Foreign Affairs Ms Sim Ann at the IPS 35th Anniversary Conference: Revisitings•
Presentation Slides of Assoc Prof Walter Theseira•
Presentation Slides of Prof Sing Tien Foo
Panel 3: Revisiting Pluralism
Report on Panel 3•
Speech by Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K Shanmugam at the IPS 35th Anniversary Conference: Revisitings
Panel 4: Revisiting Our Social Compact
Report on Panel 4•
Speech by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr Lawrence Wong at the IPS 35th Anniversary Conference: Revisitings•
Presentation Slides of Assoc Prof Ho Kong WengDownloads•
IPS 35th Anniversary PublicationMedia Coverage•
Berita Mediacorp. 2023.
Kompak sosial SG diperbaharui bakal saksikan pendekatan baru terhadap kejayaan, kemahiran: Lawrence Wong. 12 Jun.
Channel NewsAsia. 2023.
Supply of temporary HDB flats for families to double to 4,000 over next 2 years: Sim Ann. 12 Jun.
Channel NewsAsia. 2023.
One-third of ethnic integration housing policy appeals succeeded in 2022, up from 21% in 2020. 12 Jun.
Channel NewsAsia. 2023.
Singapore's refreshed social compact could see new approach to success, skills: Lawrence Wong. 12 Jun.
Channel NewsAsia. 2023.
A flat to live in or for investment? Panellists weigh in on how Singapore balances the two objectives. 12 Jun.
Lianhe Zaobao. 2023.
陈振声:唯才是用制度须凝聚社会. 12 Jun.
Lianhe Zaobao. 2023.
育儿短期住屋计划未来两年增至4000个单位. 12 Jun.
Lianhe Zaobao. 2023.
尚穆根:种族划分法在特定情况有助少数族群发展. 12 Jun.
Lianhe Zaobao. 2023.
黄循财:政府将为中产阶级和弱势群体提供更多帮助. 12 Jun.
Lianhe Zaobao. 2023.
陈振声和黄循财:应重新审视成功定义. 13 Jun.
Mothership. 2023.
Mortgage rates likely to remain high, households cautioned to practice financial prudence: Sim Ann. 12 Jun.
Mothership. 2023.
More 'I not Stupid' films' reflecting society's anxieties if we just focus on test scores: Chan Chun Sing. 12 Jun.
Mothership. 2023.
S'pore govt committed to maintaining racial percentages but CMIO shouldn't be overemphasised: K Shanmugam. 12 Jun.
Mothership. 2023.
We cannot deny there's 'casual racism' in S'pore, but we're doing something about it: Shanmugam. 12 Jun.
Mothership. 2023.
DBS CEO Piyush Gupta asks Lawrence Wong how to redefine success beyond material wealth within a short timeframe. 12 Jun.
Mothership. 2023.
Government will continue to hear from singles & 'calibrate quite carefully' the overall demand for housing: Sim Ann. 12 Jun.
Mothership. 2023.
Chan Chun Sing: Exclusive networks will fracture society, alumni of 'illustrious schools' should help others. 12 Jun.
Mothership. 2023.
No guarantee S'pore's system will continue to work & neither does 'political pluralism': Shanmugam. 13 Jun.
Seithi Mediacorp. 2023.
இன ஒருங்கிணைப்புக் கொள்கை - கடந்த ஆண்டு அதிகமான மேல்முறையீடுகள் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்பட்டன. 12 Jun.
Tamil Seithi. 2023.
இவற்றைப் பெற சிங்கப்பூரில் ஒரு புதிய அணுகுமுறை உருவாகலாம்- துணைப்பிரதமர் வோங். 12 Jun.
Tamil Seithi. 2023.
கழக வீடுகளுக்காகக் காத்திருக்கும் குடும்பங்கள் தற்காலிகமாகத். 12 Jun.
The Online Citizen. 2023.
K Shanmugam defends Tharman’s bid for presidential candidacy amid concerns over political pluralism. 13 Jun.
The Straits Times. 2023.
HDB to double interim rental flats for families to 4,000 units over next two years. 12 Jun.
The Straits Times. 2023.
MOE will broaden Edusave Award to recognise students beyond academic performance. 12 Jun.
The Straits Times. 2023.
Success is less about means, more about meaning, says DPM Wong on renewing social compact. 12 Jun.
The Straits Times. 2023.
Nearly a third of ethnic quota appeals for HDB flats successful in 2022: Shanmugam. 13 Jun.
TODAY. 2023.
AI models like ChatGPT can create new jobs, opportunities, but Govt needs to help workers adapt Lawrence Wong. 12 Jun.