Alumni Event

Friends of Singapore Evening Concert (“新加坡之友”音乐会)

friendsofsg-12014年9月19日晚,初秋细雨中,应新加坡驻沪总领事馆邀请,新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院上海校友会由季晓烨会长、耿靖副会长带队,20多名在沪校友参加了新加坡驻沪总领事馆“新加坡之友”晚场音乐会活动(Friends of Singapore Evening Concert)。新加坡驻沪总领事馆王首毅总领事致欢迎辞。包括我校友会成员、新加坡兄弟校友会成员和特邀嘉宾在内的在场观众百余人,共同欣赏了由中、新、印三国笛子演奏艺术家所作的精彩才艺表演,并以曲调风格、笛子结构进行对比分析,揭示文化异同,令人深省难忘。


Invited by Singapore Consulate-General in Shanghai, and led by president Ji Xiaoye and vice-president Geng Jing, about 20 members of NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Shanghai Alumni Club attended Friends of Singapore evening concert on September 19th, 2014. Consul-General Ong Siew Gay delivered the welcome address before the evening concert. Over 100 guests, including alumni of other Singapore universities and special guests, enjoyed the excellent performance by flute players from China, Singapore and India, who brought forward beautiful flute melodies, telling the differences of flute structure, and revealing the culture underneath as well.

(NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Shanghai Alumni club)

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Fri 19 September 2014
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM