Alumni Event

Establishment of LKY School Thailand Alumni Chapter


From left to right: Pariyaporn (Vice-Presidet), Hanh (Secretary), Christmas (President), Thammarak (Treasurer)

We are pleased to announce the formation of the inaugural LKY School Thailand Alumni Chapter! 

Let’s take a look at the newly appointed Chapter Committee and see what they have to say:

1.    Christmas Supaton (MPP 2001, President):
“What I envision for the Thailand Chapter is that we would be a powerful network that contributes to the development of our country, and to be a pillar of support for the LKY Alumni to achieve their personal goals.”
2.    Pariyaporn Sukgul (MPA 2008, Vice-President):
“I aspire to help strengthen ties within our community by introducing a variety of events and activities. I hope to make it fun for all to join in, and more importantly, I also hope that we can help the society around us too! Let’s make it happen together – LKY Thailand Chapter!”
3.    Hanh Le (MPP 2011, Secretary):
“My vision for LKYSPP Thailand Alumni group is to strengthen and inspire the LKYSPP alumni network in Thailand by bringing everyone together, to learn and share from each other’s professional endeavours beyond the classroom at LKYSPP, by finding opportunities to extend our network beyond LKYSPP.”
4.    Thammarak Moenjak (MPM 2013, Treasurer):
“I envision the LKY Thailand Alumni Chapter to be able to connect and contribute positively to the LKY School’s activities, the Thai society, and the Asian region at large.  Hopefully, we will all learn and have fun while doing activities together!”

We wish them all the best in leading the alumni in Thailand to greater heights, and to fulfil the mission of the LKY School

Thu 21 April 2016
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM