Asia Thinker Series

Beyond Vaccines: Asia’s Food and Water Future

COVID-19’s dramatic impact exposed many weaknesses in countries around the world. From healthcare systems to economies, racing against variant strains through a vaccination rollout may be important but will it be enough?  
In Asia, food and water security have become increasingly urgent for the recovery in economic outlook and lives.  
While COVID continues to pose risks to livelihoods, climate change conditions threaten resiliency. Can technology once again be a possible life raft? Are alternative farming methods a stopgap measure? How can policies help and will these resulting solutions be enough for the persistent pandemic and climate-challenged imperatives? 

Join our experts as they weigh in and give their opinions on possible outcomes, threats and potentials.

Facebook Live Event
Thu 17 February 2022
05:15 PM - 06:30 PM

Dr Thomas Panella

Dr Thomas Panella

Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Dr Maximo Torero

Dr Maximo Torero

Chief economist, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations in Rome, Italy

Prof Paul Teng

Prof Paul Teng

Adjunct Senior Fellow, CNTS, RSIS, NTU

Assistant Professor Sreeja Nair

Assistant Professor Sreeja Nair

Assistant Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS

Professor Benjamin Cashore

Professor Benjamin Cashore

Li Ka Shing Professor in Public Management and Director, the Public PolicyInitiative for Environment and Sustainability (PPIES)