The Asian Economic Integration Report 2018 special chapter on regional public goods (RPGs) “Toward Optimal Provision of Regional Public Goods in Asia and the Pacific” examines how collective actions among countries can help find solutions to growing transnational development challenges. RPGs such as cross-border infrastructure, sustainable management of shared natural resources, and cross-border disease surveillance and control offer benefits beyond a single nation’s territory. However, independent actions from each nation with different interests may not generate the adequate supply of RPGs to capture their transnational benefits and/or tackle these challenges at the regional level. The special chapter discusses appropriate modes of provision as for the type of RPGs to effectively cope with weak individual interests for cooperation that give rise to the so-called “collective action problem”, and reviews various case studies from Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean that have facilitated RPGs, greater regional cooperation, and collective action. Finally, the Chapter suggests the key roles of multilateral development banks as an honest broker in enhancing mutual trust and facilitating regional cooperation for the RPG provision through knowledge, finance, and coordination in country efforts.