The Asian Economic Integration Report (AEIR) 2017 is ADB’s annual report on Asia’s progress in regional cooperation and integration (RCI) in areas such as trade and investment, finance, and movement of people. It covers ADB’s 48 regional members and analyzes regional as well as global economic linkages.
This year's special theme chapter, “The Era of Financial Interconnectedness: How Can Asia Strengthen Financial Resilience?”, reexamines the region’s ability to absorb financial shocks and avoid instability. The analysis includes the evolution of financial linkages and transmission of risks, and the dynamics of financial cycles and capital flows and their interactions. Drawing on policy implications based on this analysis, the featured theme will share policy options for financial stability and resilience and discuss how regional cooperation can help.
The report also introduces an RCI composite index to help monitor and evaluate RCI progress in the region. The Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration Index combines six RCI components: trade and investment, money and finance, regional value chain, infrastructure connectivity, the free movement of people, and institutional and social integration.