
7 mins

Vaccine nationalism and the return of malign mercantilism?

01 Nov 2021
Is the return of populist and mercantilism sentiments inevitable in today’s world?
5 mins

Can India counter China’s economic influence in Asia?

24 Jun 2021
“Countering China” is a buzz phrase in international politics. Can India realistically be perceived as a counterpoise to rising China in Asia/ the Indo-Pacific?
3 mins

Executive orders, mandates and bans around the world

05 Mar 2021
US President Joe Biden signed 17 executive orders on his first day in office. Since then he’s signed dozens more, irking his opponents while pleasing supporters. Are leaders around the world similar?
5 mins

Where next for Malaysian politics?

04 Mar 2021
With the recent withdrawal of support from several UMNO lawmakers, Muhyiddin’s PN government hangs in the balance and is on the verge of losing its majority in Parliament.
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