
7 mins

As a small country, soft power is particularly important for Singapore

25 Apr 2024
In his book in 1990, American political scientist Joseph Nye popularised the concept of “soft power”, referring to a nation’s international influence arising from attractiveness or appeal, in contrast to “hard power” rooted in military or economic strength.
> 10 mins

Foreseeable Podcast - Maritime heritage and the power of narrative

05 Dec 2023
Assistant Professor Marina Kaneti joins us to talk about maritime heritage, exploring the shaping and impact of narratives, and implications for the present and beyond.
7 mins

As Singapore's demographics change, so too must mindsets

11 Oct 2021
Singapore's ageing population necessitates a re-evaluation of deeply ingrained mindsets — and what it means to be a vibrant, aged society. Read more.
> 10 mins

Foreseeable Podcast: Optimism no help to migrants

01 Oct 2021
Dr. Marina Kaneti specialises in questions of global development, including the Chinese Belt and Road initiative, environmental governance, human rights, the sustainable development goals and for the purpose of this discussion – migration. I started by asking her what made her interested in migration in the first place.
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