Behavioral finance

5 mins

Hong Kong and Singapore: What it takes to be a leading crypto hub

18 Nov 2022
The Chinese territory is liberalising retail cryptocurrency trade to encourage crypto trading platforms to set up operations while the South-east Asian country is focusing on digital asset innovations.
5 mins

The utility of cash transfers in a pandemic: Lessons from East Asia

15 Nov 2022
Cash transfers are controversial in social policy. Some critics argue that handouts are costly, risk creating dependency, and should be used only by the poor. However, they are considered an effective source of income security and a social buffer
5 mins

Inflation speed bumps on the road to a net-zero future

26 Sep 2022
Three interlinked sources of inflation likely to be encountered in the decarbonisation pathway – fossilflation, greenflation and climateflation.
5 mins

Singapore should be a hub for digital assets but not cryptocurrency

20 Sep 2022
Strict regulations on retail crypto investments can help to separate dross of market volatility, rug pulls and money laundering from silver that lies in high value-added digital asset activities.
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