Air Pollution

5 mins

Singapore should get ready with a carbon border tax

31 May 2021
As the world's most trade-dependent high-income economy, it is in Singapore's interest to be a powerful voice for decarbonising the global economy.
5 mins

Is Singapore’s Green Plan 2030 Ambitious enough?

18 Mar 2021
Find out how the country plans to combat climate change and build a greener, more liveable city in its Green Plan 2030.
5 mins

The Promise of Electric Vehicles in India

16 Nov 2020
Shifting to EVs will not be automatic or problem-free. Fiscal incentives will be needed, and they should be implemented efficiently. On balance, the social gains of cleaner energy from EVs far outweigh the fiscal costs of supporting this drive.
5 mins

Nations can Benefit from Singapore’s Environmental Strides

14 Jan 2020
Even in an era of electric cars and renewable energy, nations throughout the world struggle to provide clean air for their people. Singapore has shown it is possible to manage both economic interests and maintaining a clean environment.
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