Scholars’ Stories

Giving has multiple benefits for both donors and recipients. Thanks to our alumni and donor community, our deserving students are able to complete their studies, achieve their dreams and bring with them the LKY School spirit wherever they go. We hope that the stories here demonstrate the power of philanthropy and inspires you to take the first step in helping us make a difference to the world today.

  • Kwok Ka Ming, Andre (Hong Kong SAR)
    Kwok Ka Ming, Andre (Hong Kong SAR)

    Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship (MPP 2019/2021)

    "The unique opportunity offered by the Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship has enabled me to embrace and reaffirmed the spirit of social entrepreneurship within me to want to create an impact and contribute back to society.

    The LKY School is a melting pot of distinguished academia, policymakers, and students from the world over. With such a vast and diversified network and culture, as well as an interdisciplinary curriculum, I am better equipped to be a future leader and contribute more to my home country, Hong Kong, and be a bridge to Asia and the rest of the world. This would not have been made possible without the support from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, and for this, I am grateful.”

  • IuliiaZemlytska (Ukraine)
    Iuliia Zemlytska (Ukraine)

    Lee Foundation Scholarship (MPP 2016/2018)

    "My years at the LKYSPP and living in Singapore has been a journey of discovery in so many ways.

    Foremost, it was a discovery of Asia and embracing the diversity of this region. Secondly, it was an intellectual discovery where I learned new concepts and was immersed in the world of public policy. Lastly, it has been a journey of self-discovery where I was given a chance to learn more about my passions and interests and how best to sharpen my skills to have more impact in this world. All these could not have been made possible without the generous support of the Lee Foundation."

  • Maria Isabel La’o Hernado (Philippines)
    Maria Isabel La’o Hernado (Philippines)

    Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship (MPP 2016/2018)

    “For a country like the Philippines, there is a constant struggle to develop and innovate domestically, while there is pressure to perform outside as countries in Asia try to seamlessly integrate.

    To do this, we need a new breed of public servants and development workers with international exposure and local know-how. The scholarship allows me to be part of this future, and I am honoured to have benefited from the academic excellence of the faculty, the diversity of my peers, and the great learning environment here at LKYSPP. More importantly, I have grown and matured in my character and in the way I think and look at things. I am truly grateful to my gracious donor, Dr Li Ka-shing, for this amazing and life-changing experience.”

  • Carlos Eduardo Scull Raygada (Venezuela)
    Carlos Eduardo Scull Raygada (Venezuela)

    Lee Foundation Scholarship (MPP 2015/2017)

    “In Venezuela, we see Asia as a distant land which we know very little about. I would never have imagined that I would be given the chance to study in Asia.

    Upon arrival, I discovered a whole new world. I am amazed by Singapore’s achievements in such a short history. Singapore is truly an example to other nations. At LKYSPP, each day was a new learning experience that inspired me to constantly think of ideas which can be implemented in my country in the next few years.”

  • Aphilom Vanthanouvong (Laos)
    Aphilom Vanthanouvong (Laos)

    Chang Yung-fa Scholarship (MPP 2014/2016)

    “I appreciate the opportunity to study in this highly respected academic institution. Without this scholarship, I would not have been able to finance my studies at LKYSPP.

    I feel honoured and privileged to be granted this scholarship. It is a precious opportunity to study abroad and experience student life in Singapore.”

  • Mrijan Rimal (Nepal)
    Mrijan Rimal (Nepal)

    Lee Foundation Scholarship (MPP 2014/2016)

    “My career goal is to become a policymaker who can bring about change, and I am particularly interested in the areas of education and climate.

    LKYSPP has reaffirmed my desire to become a policymaker and make a difference in people’s lives.”

  • Dayang Balkis Binti Md. Ramli (Malaysia)
    Dayang Balkis Binti Md. Ramli (Malaysia)

    Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship (MPP 2011/2013)

    “I chose to enrol in this programme to enrich my knowledge and to contribute back to my country and the region.

    I purposefully chose the LKY School because of the reputation of the school and the diversity of the classroom environment where I can learn from classmates from all over the world. Without the scholarship, my dream would never come true.”

  • Jiang Zhicong (China)
    Jiang Zhicong (China)

    OCBC International Master in Public Policy Scholarship (MPP 2011/2013)

    “The OCBC scholarship gave me the opportunity to study at the Lee Kuan Yew School, which is one of the best public policy schools in Asia.

    I have increased my knowledge about other Asian countries … [and] broadened my view towards the world.”

  • Olivia Husli Basrin (Indonesia)
    Olivia Husli Basrin (Indonesia)

    Mochtar Riady Scholarship (MPP 2011/2013)

    “The scholarship has provided me with a rare opportunity to study public policy in an international setting at one of the best universities in the world.

    I was able to expand my career network that will really benefit me in the future.”

  • Carlos C. Sengu (Zimbabwe)
    Carlos C. Sengu (Zimbabwe)

    The Olam International MA Scholarship (MPA 2017/2018)

    “It is an axiom of life that ‘of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.’

    I had a dream to invest further in my intellectual capital by studying abroad and Olam, through the scholarship has made my dream come true. Olam opened the doors that gave me the privilege to travel to Singapore and study at one of the best universities in the world, coupled with the opportunity to reside in one of the most liveable and sustainable nations on planet. My sojourn in the ‘Lion City’ enhanced my cultural literacy and also gave me the platform to learn the specialised skills, cultivate informed perspectives, and nurture the nuanced understanding that I need to be an even more effective leader in solving public policy problems.”

  • Thevaraparambil Anwar Ali (India)
    Thevaraparambil Anwar Ali (India)

    Spice Global Scholarship (MPA 2016/2017)

    “My studies and area of work have always been confined to India and having received this scholarship to pursue the MPA programme at the LKYSPP has fulfilled my dream of studying abroad.

    It has given me international exposure and my interaction and learning from students and faculty from various countries across the world has enriched me with both theoretical and practical knowledge. For this, I am indebted and grateful to the generous support of m y donor for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity. My studies at Asia’s best and one of the top institutions in the world will definitely help me go a long way throughout my career in civil service.”

  • Zhang Leilei (China)
    Zhang Leilei (China)

    Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship (MPA 2015/2016)

    “I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my gracious donor, Dr Li Ka-shing, whose generosity enabled me to broaden my knowledge, hone my skills, and enrich my life.

    It has been a great learning journey. I have spent 10 years with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in China, and the last two years working with China’s leading aluminium producer, CHALCO, and China’s biggest bank, ICBC Head Office in Beijing. I hope to contribute to improving governance in China.”

  • Axulu Kushanova (Kazakhstan)
    Axulu Kushanova (Kazakhstan)

    Chang Yung-fa Scholarship (MPA 2012/2013)

    “I daresay that the scholarship literally changed my life. Being able to join the LKY School was a turning point in my life.

    It has impacted me in my way of thinking, my behaviour, and values. I discovered not only a new country, but this whole experience revealed to me who I really am.”

  • Nitin Jain (India)
    Nitin Jain (India)

    Spice Global Scholarship (MPA 2012/13)

    “The Spice Global Scholarship has been the best thing that happened in my life. I have always had the aspiration of studying outside India at a world-class institution.

    Through this generous scholarship, this dream has been fulfilled. I learnt things that I always wanted to, interacting with great minds that have broadened my horizons immensely and acquiring a new way of looking at and understanding policy challenges.”

  • Francesco Brusaporco (Italy)
    Francesco Brusaporco (Italy)

    Stamford Land Scholarship (MIA 2018/2020)

    “When I was choosing to pursue my masters, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKY School) was at the top of my list, but I simply could not afford it.

    Stamford Land supported my studies and enabled me to choose what is best for myself. During my two years at the LKY School, I have worked together with people from different countries and diverse backgrounds to create a truly global perspective on international affairs. I have done an internship in China, an exchange programme in Kazakhstan, and Singapore is now my 'second home'.”

  • Ian Russell Koh Tze Ming (Singapore)
    Ian Russell Koh Tze Ming (Singapore)

    Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship (MIA 2017/2019)

    “As a result of this scholarship, I emerge from my tertiary education with a Master’s degree from the best university in Asia without being hobbled by a mountain of student debt.

    This would have been unlikely if not impossible, had it not been for this exceedingly generous provision. I am thankfully indebted to the Li Ka Shing Foundation with copious amounts of gratitude and appreciation. The MIA programme has further sharpened my intellectual faculties and has imbued my sociological worldview(s) with a complementary internationalist flavour. With these added skills and credentials, I am certainly better placed to make more informed analyses and decisions which will hopefully be useful for the future.”

Faculty’s Stories

Our faculty and professors are world-renowned leaders in multidisciplinary thinking and policy engagement. Help them guide future policy makers and find solutions to complex public policy and governance issues by funding their professorships and research projects.

The Li Ka Shing endowed professorship has been a key enabler for my research on inequality and social mobility, and on great power competition and the new economic world order. The professorship has allowed me the space to rethink inequality as the critical social challenge, a narrative on which so much conventional wisdom has settled, or whether instead that narrative hides yet deeper problems and has been inappropriately identified in public conversation, and social and traditional media. At the same time, the world is undergoing a profound shift in the international system, shifting from the liberal, rules-based form it has taken for nearly a century: The professorship has given me unique opportunity to rethink the principles on which the international community has built our world order. As recipient of this professorship, I am privileged indeed to lead the work at the Lee Kuan Yew School drawing parallels between global issues and the local context in Singapore and ASEAN, that we might better navigate the challenges that lie ahead.
Professor Danny Quah

Professor Danny Quah
Dean and Li Ka Shing Professor in Economics

Benefactors’ Stories

In acknowledgment of the importance of philanthropy, your funds enabled the school to recruit world-class faculty, advanced many research projects; and they make it possible for many students who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford the cost of an education at a leading public policy institution.

Generosity doesn't always point to the largest sum.

Give Today

If there is another area of the school that you care about, please feel free to share with us. We are always happy to hear from donors who want to contribute and make a difference.

For any queries regarding making a gift, please contact Ms Emily Ng at or +65 6601 5229.

Credit Card

The fastest and easiest way to show your support for LKY School is to make a gift online using a credit card. Alternatively, you could download and print the Gift Form and mail it in.

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To make a gift by cheque, please download and print the Gift Form and mail it in with your cheque. Please make your cheque in favour of: "National University of Singapore".

Other Methods

For information on other payment methods via GIRO or non-cash gifts (shares, securities, real estate, or planned gifts), please contact Emily Ng at +65 6601 5229 or by email at