Overview of LKY School Case Studies

The LKY School’s case studies cover issues in public policy and public administration in a wide array of contexts with a focus on Asia.

The cases are based on primary data collection as well as research from secondary sources such as academic papers, committee reports, and the media. Though all case studies are based on real events and situations, details in some cases may have been altered for teaching purposes.

The cases have been developed to facilitate discussion-based, interactive learning in our degree (MPP, MPA and MPAM) and Executive Education programmes. For many of our cases, teaching notes have been developed as a resource for case teaching.

You are welcome to download and disseminate our case studies. To use them in the classroom, you may email us at decb64_bGt5c3BwY2FzZUBudXMuZWR1LnNn_decb64 to request for the accompanying Teaching Note.

Browse our case studies by clicking here.