Our faculty

LIM, Leon

LIM, Leon

LIM, Leon

Research Fellow

Leon is a Research Fellow from the Governance & Economy department at the Institute of Policy Studies.

Leon draws on 18 years of experience across the public and third sectors, in a variety of roles including scenario planning, strategic planning, industry development, and research in environmental economics and behavioural insights. He taught Economics principles to public service officers, and designed and ran milestone programmes for Director-level officers in the Economy Building sector. Most recently Leon led research efforts at a private funding organisation, where he implemented outcome metrics to measure grantee partners’ social impact.

Leon holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Economics from the National University of Singapore, and Bachelor’s Degrees in Economics and in Public Policy from the University of Chicago. 

Research Interests

Social impact; Outcomes measurement; Outcomes-based Funding; Social Sector funding, implementation, and evaluation.