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LIM, Siong Guan

LIM, Siong Guan

LIM, Siong Guan

Former Head of Civil Service Singapore

BEng (1st Class Hons) Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia

LIM Siong Guan was a professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore since 2005, and a Senior Fellow of the Singapore Civil Service College since 2006. He speaks at various forums on leadership, national governance, preparing for the future, organisational excellence, and change management. He was Group President of GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, from 2007 to 2016, and Advisor to the Group Executive Committee of GIC from 2017 to 2019.

Siong Guan chaired the Singapore Economic Development Board from 2006 to 2009. The Board is the Singapore government’s lead agency for planning and executing strategies to enhance Singapore’s position as a global business centre, and much of its work is attracting international corporations to set up manufacturing and services activities in Singapore as critical links in the global supply chain.

Siong Guan was the first Principal Private Secretary to Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, and was the Head of the Singapore Civil Service from 1999 to 2005. He has been the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence (1981-1994), the Public Service Division of the Prime Minister’s Office (1994-1998), the Ministry of Education (1997-1999) and the Ministry of Finance (1999-2006).

He has chaired the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (2004-2006), the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (2004-2006), and the Central Provident Fund Board (1986-1994), and has been a board member of many companies including Temasek, the other sovereign wealth fund of Singapore.

He is a Member of the International Board of the stars Foundation, a Swiss foundation that promotes leadership development for leaders of the next generation. He is senior advisor to Insignia Ventures Partners, who manage venture capital investments in Southeast Asia, and chairs Honour (Singapore) Ltd, a charity that seeks to promote a culture of honour and honouring for the well-being of Singapore.

Siong Guan has co-authored two books with Joanne H. Lim. The first, “The Leader, The Teacher & You – Leadership Through the Third Generation” is a book on leadership and governance, and the second, “Winning with Honour in Relationships, Family, Organisations, Leadership, and Life” is a book on success in life, family and work. He has written a third book, “Can Singapore Fall?: Making the Future for Singapore” based on his lectures as the 4th S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore.