
Today's Preparation, Tomorrow's Achievement

26 Nov 2018

Despite an impressive list of appointments and awards, Dr Geng Jing (James) remains unfazed as he carries on with his philosophy of lifelong learning and preparation.
"Books lead to knowledge, while practice leads to understanding."
[ALUMNI-INFO TEXT="A busy schedule is no excuse, and even as the Board Chair and President of Greenland Financial Holdings Group (a Fortune Global Top 500 Enterprise), James has kept up with his habit of lifelong learning. He reads ardently on rising technologies and believes in two things: 1) we will soon see these technologies applied in the financial sector, and 2) success lies in previous preparations, without which there will be failure.

Prudence dictates that one takes him seriously—numerous awards, accolades and appointments, academic or otherwise, signal both his success and hunger for learning.

Shortly after assuming the position of Vice President at Chang Jiang Pension Insurance Group, James applied for a Master in Public Management at LKYSPP to better prepare himself. On top of widening his technical aptitude in the world of finance, he also learned that differences do not always lead to conflict, but can be opportunities for creativity and progress."][/ALUMNI-INFO]

[ALUMNI-QUOTES TEXT="Since then, he has maintained strong ties with NUS and LKYSPP, holding appointments including President of the NUS Alumni Shanghai Chapter and Vice President of LKYSPP Alumni Shanghai Chapter. This year, he was appointed a member of the NUS Alumni Advisory Board.

As Vice President of LKYSPP Alumni Shanghai Chapter, he launched several events like the annual ceremonies, alumni networking session, alumni nights and the alumni forum. These events strengthened the networking amongst the alumni, and even resulted in business cooperation between members.

But despite his achievements and valued standing, he retains his humility—perhaps the very reason he is so distinguished in the first place. He says that one should let go of titles and positions, stay modest and to improve, network and learn from others by drawing on their strengths and practices."][/ALUMNI-QUOTES]