
The Green of College Green

25 Mar 2019

When I first heard that the hostel I would be living in during my time at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, I was quite intrigued by the name. It didn’t sound like many of the other hostel names around the University. Little did I know that true to its name, College Green (CG) would turn out to be such a residential sanctuary for greenery and wildlife, unlike anything I had ever experienced. I never imagined there could be a place amidst the tall glass buildings of Singapore where I could wake up to the sound of birds chirping in the morning while the sunlight gradually fills my room with a golden glow.

Over the last two years I have grown accustomed to having wildlife all around me - blue jays, mynas, lizards, roosters, cats, and even snakes and spiders! For the many environment-lovers of our hostel, CG provides a perfect setting to grow your own plants and other herbs that can be used for cooking! Our resident CG cat is pampered so terribly by some of the residents who frequently put out food for her and have also helped take care of the adoption process for her kittens.

Among the several amazing living beings there are to see in the hostel, none looms as majestic and large as our favourite tree, the Rain Tree, called “Benedict” by the residents. One can see Benedict from almost any part of CG. The National Parks (NParks) Board designates this Rain Tree as a heritage tree[1]. The leaves of the Rain Tree fold up in the evenings, giving it the name Pukul Lima meaning “5 o’clock” in Malay. Sunset in Singapore and Malaysia used to occur at around 5 pm prior to the change in Standard Time in 1982. This species of trees was introduced in Singapore in 1876, and spread throughout the region soon after.  Out of all the heritage trees at NParks, this Rain Tree is currently the one with the largest girth.


The Green of College Green.2

Picture credit: Munkhdul Badral (MPA 2019)

To let some of the CG residents tell it, “College Green provides a moment to pause, look out of the windows of our bright units and bask in the timelessness of the grand Rain Tree shading us from the tropical sun”. Another resident mentions that “CG feels like an extension of the Botanic Gardens across the road, with its kingfishers, resident jungle fowl, anthuriums, palms, and glorious Rain Tree. The terraced white houses, sounds of nature, and tranquil ambience make it a space of reflection and escape.” When asked what their favourite part about College Green was, another resident simply joked “Well, the tree of course”.

The Green of College Green1

Picture credit: Olga Pistina (MPA 2017)

Living around all this natural life gives a sense of calm in the otherwise bustling urban life of Singapore. It’s a chance to get away from the stresses of assignments, pressures of the job hunt, and anxieties of college life. To take a step back and literally, stop to smell the roses.

Kinnari Gurnani

MPP 2019