
QS World University Rankings 2020: NUS is top in Asia and 11th in the world

19 Jun 2019

The National University of Singapore (NUS) retains its position as one of Asia’s best universities at 11th globally in the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings 2020. The University continues to be placed 11th globally for its strong academic reputation and has also moved up four places to 14th globally for its employer reputation, the highest position achieved by a Singapore university for both indicators.

The QS World University Rankings 2020 surveyed over 94,000 academics and 44,000 employers, and ranked the world’s top 1,001 universities from 82 countries. It employs six performance indicators – academic reputation, employer reputation, citations per faculty, faculty/student ratio, and proportions of international faculty and international students – to assess a university’s strengths in research, teaching, employability, and internationalisation.

An NUS Spokesperson said, “We are honoured that many academics and employers around the world continue to regard NUS as among the best in Asia and globally. Our exceptional and sustained performance across research, academic and employer reputation is a testament to the efforts of our talented community, and the University’s priority on talent development. The remarkable global standing of our local universities attests to the quality of Singapore’s higher education system.”

Highlighting NUS’ continued drive for excellence, the NUS Spokesperson said, “As Singapore’s flagship university, NUS’ focus is on creating positive impact on Singapore and the wider community. The University’s educational model centres on real world relevance, which includes intensifying our lifelong learning efforts. We aim to ensure that our students and graduates are well equipped to adapt and contribute meaningfully to the fast-changing world. We will also continue to deepen our research capabilities to develop ground-breaking, innovative solutions to address the pressing needs of society.”

Mr Ben Sowter, QS Research Director, said, “With the eleventh-highest score in the world for our Academic Reputation indicator, the global academic community continues to recognise the quality of research and high standards prevalent at NUS. Furthermore, with a perfect score of 100/100 for our International Faculty Ratio indicator and improving research impact scores, there is evidence that NUS' international recruitment strategy is proving highly fruitful.”

Read The Straits Times coverage and more about the QS World University Rankings 2020.

Article taken from NUS ranked 11th in the world in latest QS World University Rankings 2020.