
LKYSPP Faculty's sharing on COVID-19 pandemic

5 Jul 2021

COVID-19 has had a far-reaching impact on the economy and society, and remains a clear and present challenge. In this issue of ETHOS, our faculty weighs in on the pandemic’s socioeconomic, governance and geopolitical implications, and reflects on how Singapore and other governments have responded to the crisis of a generation.

Taking Stock of an Unprecedented Pandemic

Ong Toon Hui, Danny Quah
COVID-19 has tested societies like never before: but good governance, agile policymaking, social cohesion and broad collaboration remain vital in facing the crisis of a generation.

The Global Pandemic, US-China Relations, and Implications for Singapore and ASEAN

Khong Yuen Foong
Geopolitical rivalries will continue to shape a post-COVID world, confronting smaller states with strategic choices that may be challenging to balance.

Fiscal Responses to COVID-19 in Singapore and Hong Kong

Alfred M. Wu
Deploying judicious pandemic support measures, Singapore and Hong Kong have sought to stabilise their economies and societies, while laying a foundation for post-pandemic growth.

Supporting Jobs and Livelihoods during the Pandemic

Terence Ho
LKYSPP’s Terence Ho surveys the Singapore Government’s multi-pronged approach to supporting businesses, incomes and households—for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis, and beyond.

Find out more in the latest issue of ETHOS.