LKYSPP Career Fair 2021 was the second career fair organized by the school and was attended by 32 employer organizations, 51 employee representatives and 147 unique attendees. It was organised by LKYSPP’ s Career Services, in collaboration with Alumni Relations. The fair featured a suite of activities ranging from recruitment webinars, panel discussions, a virtual speed networking session and small group in-person lunches and coffee sessions with employers.
Connecting hiring organisations who were keen to reach out to candidates with a public policy or international relations background with the diverse talent pool within the LKYSPP community, this career fair had 5 dedicated tracks namely:
- International Development - Includes all United Nation agencies, development banks, multilaterals and international organizations (IOs). IOs include NGOs with a global presence and international humanitarian organizations.
Participating employer organizations included the Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), UNDP, UNESCAP Bangkok and WWF.
- Consulting - Includes government affairs consulting firms, management and strategy consulting organizations
Participating employer organizations included Dalberg, FTI Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Speyside, Vriens & Partners, Control Risks, Landmark Public Affairs and Whiteshield Partners just to name a few.
- Trade, Business and Technology - Includes private sector organizations, technology firms and trade or business associations
Participating Employer Organizations included Amazon, Eden Strategy Institute, Google, Grab, Lazada and Twitter just to name a few.
- Research and Education - Includes research institutions, think-tanks and institutes of higher learning.
- Public Service and Government - Includes ministries, stat boards and government agencies in Singapore or overseas.
Participating employer organizations included Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Economic Development Board (EDB), Interpol, Invest India, Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and NITI Aayog just to name a few.
Students had the opportunity to have engage virtually with employer representatives such as Mr. Magnus Ekbom from Lazada and Mr. Vivek Raman, Ms Jo Aquino and Ms Sonali Tang from the ADB Philippines and Singapore office, just to name a few.
Webinar with ADB
Students were also able to connect with their seniors and fellow alumni. For instance, LKYSPP alumni Thao Nguyen, Zhao Yijing and Wellington Liu, working in different offices within Amazon, took time to engage with our students over a virtual panel discussion.
LKYSPP Alumni Panel: Working in Amazon
Another interesting feature about this career fair was the virtual speed networking session. During the session, participating employers and alumni were allocated to designated virtual breakout rooms to be joined by three to five students.
At every 15-minute interval, the employer representatives and alumni guests were rotated to another virtual breakout room to e-meet a different group of students. Participating employer representatives included Mr. Mike Orgill and Mr. Tomohiro Oya from Airbnb and Huong Ta along with Minh Tran from GGGI. Our alumni working in Lazada and Mijwan Welfare Society also participated in this virtual speed networking session to engage with our students.
Virtual Speed Networking Session
One key highlight of the career fair was the small group lunches and coffee sessions that students can have with employers. Students were able to interact with the employer representatives in a smaller group setting and have meaningful conversations and gain a better understanding about the industry that the employers are in. Control Risks, ADB, Landmark Public Affairs and The HEAD Foundation were among the employer organizations who participated in these in-person sessions.
Coffee Chat with employer representative from Landmark Public Affairs.
Lunch with representative from the then newly set up Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s Singapore Office.
Participating employers at Career Fair 2021 could also get a soft copy of the LKYSPP Talent Directory. The directory was a e-compilation of the profile summaries of LKYSPP students and alumni who attended the career fair.
Hear what LKYSPP participants have to say about the Career Fair 2021:
“The virtual speed networking session was very fun and helpful, especially when it’s conducted online. It was a great opportunity for me to connect with employers and see many faces of successful working women.”- Nguyen Thi Kieu Oanh
“I wanted to share a good update that Landmark Public Affairs
onboarded me as a Special Advisor for a project. It would have not been possible without you.” - Surbhi Jain