
LKYSPP Alumni India Chapter – New Committee

30 May 2020

LKYSPP Alumni India Chapter.1
U.G. Sujatha (President)

LKYSPP Alumni India Chapter.2
Shruti Singh (Vice President)

LKYSPP Alumni India Chapter.3
Murali Krishna Reddy (Treasurer)

LKYSPP Alumni India Chapter.4.1
Harman Bhatia (Secretary)

LKYSPP Alumni India Chapter.5.
Marmik Joshi (Secretary)

LKYSPP Alumni India Chapter is delighted to update its new committee members for 2020 – 2022.


President: U.G. Sujatha (MPA 2017)

Vice President:  Shruti Singh (MPA 2018)

Treasurer: Murali Krishna Reddy (MPA 2017)

Secretaries: Harman Bhatia (MPP 2019) and Marmik Joshi (MPP 2019)


We wish the new Committee all the best in leading and connecting with the LKYSPP alumni in Indonesia!