
IPS Update Issue September 2016

16 Sep 2016


In the Spotlight


IPS Corporate Associates Lunch with Dr Raj Thampuran on “A*STAR — Driving innovation and being future-ready”

How will the “Internet of Everything” change the way business is conducted in Singapore? And how can society, especially the young, be more innovative and entrepreneurial? These were the key themes of discussion at a recent IPS Corporate Associates lunch with Dr Raj Thampuran, Managing Director of A*STAR.



Channel NewsAsia-IPS Survey on Race Relations

The latest survey on the state of race relations in Singapore shows that we are, to a large extent, living out our multicultural ideals. But racism remains and people still find it disconcerting to talk about race. Key findings from the CNA-IPS Survey on Race Relations were featured in a CNA documentary on racial prejudice and privilege titled Regardless of Race.


Report of the Constitutional Commission to Review the Elected Presidency

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong appointed a nine-member Commission in February 2016 to review three aspects of Singapore’s Elected Presidency. IPS researchers Dr Gillian Koh, Dr Mathew Mathews and Tan Min-Wei presented their recommendations at public hearings convened by the Commission. On 7 September, the government published the Commission’s report. Read the reactions to the report:

Dr Gillian Koh: The Constitutional Commission’s Report: Ensuring greater clarity in Singapore’s unique governance system

Tan Min-Wei: When should the “reserved election” provision kick in?

Ng Zhong Wei: Beyond “safeguards”, let’s do more to foster accessibility, unity and trust


In Memoriam: S R Nathan (1924–2016)

“Like the bass line running through the twists and turns of a vast sprawling symphony, a few simple themes recur again and again in his life: Duty. Honour. Country.” Read IPS Director Janadas Devan’s tribute to the late S R Nathan here.


The Role of Public Policy in Ensuring Peace and Prosperity for Asia

Two distinguished speakers from India highlighted challenges to Asia’s peace and prosperity at a seminar held at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Long-time diplomat, Ambassador Hardeep Puri, and retired Indian Army General Syed Ata Hasnain discussed the failure of multilateralism, the importance of fostering inclusiveness, as well as the ISIS threat.



Why We Need to Talk About Race 
By Mathew Mathews

The strong endorsement of multicultural principles and relationships does not mean that society is free from racism. At the same time, the character of racism in Singapore is different from many other societies, as it has not been shaped by acrimonious histories. To eliminate unfair stereotypes, there is a need to go beyond commonalities and talk about these nuances and our racial differences.


With an Informed Electorate, the Voting System Can Cater to Young and Old 
By Gillian Koh and Ng Zhong Wei

The political impact of rapidly ageing societies is well founded, and the question remains if such a political divide exists in Singapore. Suggestions to avoid such a divide have included lowering the voting age, or to introduce Demeny voting. The authors disagree and argue that it’s the cultivation of an informed electorate that matters.


3 Steps to Innovating Without Denting Profit 
By Alex Tan Tai Loong

About half of SMEs in Singapore make efforts at innovation, and an even smaller percentage have actively invested in the process. For typically resource-stretched SMEs, it is a challenge to juggle short-term profits with longer-term aspirations. Here are some suggestions on how to pursue innovation while remaining cognisant of current business priorities.


How to Ensure Fair Allocation of “Waterfront” HDB Homes?
By Christopher Gee

The public housing development push in the 1970s to the 1990s was a significant contributor to levelling up Singapore society, and there are continued efforts and plans to ensure a suitable mix of public and private housing across Singapore. How do we avoid stark disparity in home equity gains?


Action Plan Singapore
Date: 19 September 2016

What will Singapore’s socio-economic landscape be like in 2026? This scenario-planning exercise focuses on three areas that are critical to the future of Singapore: Longevity, Innovation, Skills.

Young Singaporeans (Un)Conference 2016: “What’s Good?”
Date: 21 September 2016, Time: 9.30 am – 7.30 pm

Amidst growing complexity, the question of what we value and how we respond to difference has become more relevant than ever. This year’s Young Singaporeans Conference adopts an “Open Space” format, focusing on participant-driven exchanges and encouraging participants to develop critical responses to complex issues from the ground-up.

IPS Corporate Associates Breakfast with Seah Moon Ming 
Date: 29 September 2016, Time: 8.00 am – 10.00 am

Mr Seah Moon Ming, Chairman of International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, will discuss IE’s role in promoting international trade and overseas growth of Singapore-based enterprises.

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