
IPS Update Issue October 2016

13 Oct 2016


In the Spotlight


Young Singaporeans (Un)Conference 2016: What’s Good?

IPS’ flagship biennial Young Singaporeans Conference (YSC) last month departed from its usual format – there was no fixed programme and there were no fixed topics of discussion. Instead, participants were asked to drive and direct discussions around the broad theme of “What’s Good?”. The 70 young and up-and-coming Singaporeans from a variety of fields eventually conducted and participated in 18 sessions throughout the day, on topics ranging from making businesses a force for good to exploring the role of religion in Singapore. IPS Director Janadas Devan likened the YSC to a polyphony — different voices coming together to produce one coherent piece of music.



IPS Corporate Associates Breakfast with Seah Moon Ming: Helping Singapore Firms to Go Global

IPS Corporate Associates met Seah Moon Ming, Chairman of International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, last month. They discussed how Singapore companies can grow their presence abroad through the right partnerships and the value that MNCs can bring to Singapore’s economy and SMEs. Internationalisation, emphasised Mr Seah, is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for the future.


Appointment of the 2016/17 S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore

Mr Peter Ho, Senior Adviser to the government’s Centre for Strategic Futures and the former Head of the Civil Service, is the 2016/17 S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore. His lecture series will begin next year.


IPS Exchange Series: Rising Costs in Singapore and The Future Economy of Singapore

Two new IPS Exchange Series reports have been published. The first defines and examines the root cause of rising costs and the impact on business competitiveness in Singapore. The second is a summary of the IPS-CFE Conference on the Future Economy of Singapore and a compilation of papers presented at the conference. Around 300 people attended the conference in July, which discussed the emerging global trends in industries and markets due to technological advancements, and the possible strategies that would help Singaporeans thrive in this new environment.



Helping Singapore Women Age with Optimism
By Varian Lim

Women in their 60s and above are more likely to be less optimistic about their future well-being as compared to those in middle age and to men of the same age-group. What could possibly account for this and what can be done?


Elected Presidency: Why Reserved Elections Make Sense for Singapore 
By Mathew Mathews

There seems to be a disjuncture in views between the government and Singaporeans with regard to the necessity of safeguards for minority representation in the Elected Presidency. While there is a perceived tension between meritocracy and multiracial representation through such safeguards, the context is very different from affirmative action practised in places like the United States.


The Obama Presidency: An Assessment
By Tommy Koh

The American people will soon elect their 45th president and President Barack Obama will hand over the reins of power to his successor. History will judge Mr Obama’s tenure kindly for a myriad of reasons, including his economic record, domestic policy and Obamacare, says Ambassador Koh. In terms of foreign policy, the US pivot and rebalancing towards Asia has been momentous, and this will hopefully endure beyond the current administration.


Arts and Disability in Singapore
By Justin Lee

Art is an avenue for people with disabilities to express themselves, excel and achieve success. Many professional artists value art for art’s sake, but socially-conscious art puts aesthetics in service of a larger social purpose. Art can motivate and energise the audience to reflect upon and support a cause, and not to recoil from complex moral problems.


Launch of Dealing with an Ambiguous World
Date: 18 October 2016, Time: 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm

Dealing with an Ambiguous World contains edited versions of the five public IPS-Nathan Lectures that Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan, the Institute of Policy Studies’ 2015/16 S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore, gave earlier in 2016.

Forum on the Reforms to the Elected Presidency System
Date: 21 October 2016, Time: 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm

The forum will feature a panel discussion on the recent report by the Constitutional Commission on the Elected Presidency and the government’s White Paper response to it. The second segment will feature an open discussion with Minister for Law and Home Affairs, Mr K Shanmugam.

IPS Digital Frontiers Seminar: “Upscaling Online Collaboration for Offline Good – Making it Work”
Date: 28 October 2016, Time: 2.45 pm – 5.00 pm

This seminar focuses on the principles and practices of large-scale online collaborations, where people come together to solve problems and share resources. It brings together innovation experts, researchers, policymakers and the social sector to discuss the principles, the mechanisms required, and the implications on the various sectors.

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers commented on population issues in the past month.

To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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