
IPS Update Issue November 2014

18 Nov 2014

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In the Spotlight


IPS Social Lab Launches Landmark Study of 5,000 Households

Earlier this month, the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) launched a nationwide research study on family relationships and social attitudes, reaching out to 5,000 households. The Singapore Panel Study on Social Dynamics is led by the IPS Social Lab, the Institute’s survey research unit. The same households will be interviewed every year, giving researchers data and insights into how families respond to changes and crises in their lives, and the factors that may impact their resilience and social mobility.



IPS-Nathan Lectures: Ho Kwon Ping on Politics and Governance

History shows that democratically-elected ruling parties in other countries have generally floundered after half a century or slightly longer. The People’s Action Party (PAP) has been in power for 55 continuous years. In his inaugural lecture as the S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore, Mr Ho Kwon Ping assessed the sustainability of PAP rule and the challenges to the party’s legitimacy and style of governance over the next 50 years.


IPS Conference on Moneylending

Licensed moneylenders fill a gap by providing funding to borrowers who may not qualify for bank loans, whereas government regulations have to balance between allowing consumers access to credit while ensuring they are adequately protected. This was the main theme of discussions at the IPS Conference on Moneylending, which included a dialogue session with Minister for Foreign Affairs and Law K Shanmugam.


Seeing Singapore through the Eyes of its Friends

Singapore has managed to turn its disadvantages around through ingenuity, tenacity and luck, and its story of growth has inspired many plaudits from its foreign friends. In The Little Red Dot: Reflections of Foreign Ambassadors on Singapore, a book recently launched by IPS, 61 foreign diplomats have penned their views of Singapore and its bilateral relations.


IPS Working Papers No. 22: Results from the Perception and Attitudes towards Ageing Seniors Survey

A survey of over 2,000 Singapore residents aged between 50 to 74 years found that overall, the senior population is positive about the prospect of ageing. Many of those surveyed reported strong social support networks and embraced the benefits of lifelong learning. Nevertheless, the issue of age discrimination could be a cause for concern.


IPS Working Papers No.23: The Politics of Sustaining Inclusive Growth and Social Inclusion

Like Singapore, Denmark and Finland are also small countries with open economies, and face comparable socio-economic problems. In these two countries, constant reform is central to maintaining the welfare state, which is woven into the very fabric of their societies. When contextualising these experiences to Singapore’s setting, it is also important to recognise the societal factors fundamental to the welfare state’s existence.


The 22nd Singapore Economic Roundtable

In the most recent SER, policymakers, private sector economists and business leaders discussed the implications of an uneven global recovery on the Singapore economy. The impact of increasing financialisation and the need to restructure the economy to foster sustainable equitable growth were also highlighted. In the special session, the sustainable delivery of public goods, viewed in the context of healthcare and public transport, was examined.


Addressing Social Cohesion and Effects of Migrants’ Integration in Europe and Asia

Migration as a phenomenon is inevitable and multi-faceted; the benefits of cost-efficient labour are at times accompanied by social tension and problems. During a two-day conference organised by IPS and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, policymakers and academics from Asia and Europe discussed how policies could foster migrant integration and social cohesion. One take-away is for policies to address the diversity of migrants.


New IPS Book on Migration and Integration in Singapore

A new book edited by three IPS researchers looks at the social, economic and political issues that have arisen with the influx of foreigners in Singapore in recent years. Empirical research is featured to document the impact of increasing levels of immigration, and to provide an analysis of the longer-term implications of these trends.



Tommy Koh: To Singapore with Love and Diplomacy

In a recently launched book, former ambassadors and high commissioners to Singapore reflected on their impressions of the country. They also gave their take on Singapore’s “secrets” to success, such as our open economy, emphasis on the importance of education and our focus on nurturing national resilience.


Faizal Bin Yahya: Creativity and Innovation in Singapore Economy

The comparative advantage Singapore holds in the area of human capital is likely to diminish as other countries play catch-up. To remain competitive, businesses will have to strive for innovation in value creation. Ultimately, the future prospects of Singapore in an increasingly globalised world depend on its ability to enhance its human capital, which would in turn drive creativity and innovation.


The Tenth Japan-Singapore Symposium
Date: 21 November 2014

Launched in 1994 by then-Prime Minister of Japan, Murayama Tomiichi and former Prime Minister of Singapore, Goh Chok Tong, the Japan-Singapore Symposium, now in its 10th instalment, will survey Asia’s economic landscape, and review the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the region. 

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on working beyond retirement, changes to the Long Term Visit Pass application process and the future political landscape of Singapore. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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The IPS newsletter team comprises Chang Zhi Yang, Sim Jui Liang, Tan Chween Tah and Lynn Lee. To contact them, please e-mail 