
IPS Update Issue May 2013

31 May 2013


In the Spotlight


9th Family Research Network Forum

The recent forum focused on the theme of parenting. The varied presentations provided multifaceted insights on issues such as the effects of parenting behaviour on a child’s future career success as well as international parenting programmes. Read the report here […] and visit the forum page here. […]



Janadas Devan: Choosing the better angels of our nature

Given that Singapore’s mode of nationalism is a composition of trans-national cultural identities, how can conflicting multiple identities be dealt with? Bearing in mind that pragmatic trade-offs between national and cultural identities have been made, has this resulted in nurturing a stronger Singaporean identity? […]


Arun Mahizhnan: Porn Masala – Balancing Artistic Freedom and Public Good

How extensive should government censorship be for public good? Using the example of local filmmaker Ken Kwek’s Porn Masala, is such fear of the pollution of the public sphere justified? How does the government know what the people want, and even so – should majority view prevail over the minority? […]


Gillian Koh: How government – civil society engagement can move forward

The recent dismissal of former Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) board director Mr Nizam Ismail highlights the stand both the government and civic activists take on civic activism in Singapore. How will this incident change how civic activists operate? With many activists wearing different hats, is there a practical code of conduct that can be implemented? How can the engagement process be eased for a more beneficial way forward? […]


Carol Soon: Talking to each other: Do we have what it takes?

Effective government-citizen dialogue requires three ingredients – authenticity, egalitarianism and informed participation. As Singapore transits to a more inclusive model of distributed problem solving, how can the quality of policy criticisms and suggestions be improved? What is lacking and how can public information be better communicated and disseminated? […]


Zhou Rongchen: Dialects – where do they belong in our language environment?

Despite the government’s long-standing stance against dialects, there have been recent petitions to reintroduce dialects once again in the media sphere. What are the advantages of dialects in today’s world? Besides being living languages that continue to remain relevant, do dialects impede learning a mother tongue? […]


Viewing Our Future with a “New Lens”: Shell Global Scenarios 2013

Shell continues its tradition of using scenario planning to contribute to public debate on society’s long term challenges. An overview of the New Lens Scenarios will be presented by Dr Cho Oon Khong with a panel discussion.

Please refer to the event page for registration details […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the sale of software by the PAP to Action Information Management (AIM) and the politicisation of town councils. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here

New this month at IPSCommons: The continual relevance of dialects, state-citizen engagement, issues on censorship and public good, and a relook at public housing policies.


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