
IPS Update Issue May 2012

1 May 2012


In the Spotlight


IPS Population Projections

What might be the scenarios for Singapore’s population in 2050? This video showcases the three scenarios from the new projections by the IPS Demography and Family research cluster. The projections can be found here […]



Roundtable on Singapore’s Demographic Challenges

Together with the Civil Service College, IPS hosted a roundtable on 3 May 2012 to discuss the implications of Singapore’s “Population Conundrum”.

Presentation slides and media reports from this event here […]


Carrying the Burden of an Ageing Population

The chief driver of demand for non-resident workers in coming decades will not be economic growth but an ageing population’s burgeoning social needs. Janadas Devan outlines the challenges that remain as Singapore addresses this likely future. […]


Tackling the Population Conundrum

With an ultra-low TFR of 1.24 and a rapidly ageing population, Singapore may face serious challenges such as inter-generational divisions as smaller numbers of working age adults face the burden of caring for their elders, write Christopher Gee and Yap Mui Teng for The Straits Times. […]



Yale-NUS a Timely, Visionary Initiative

Tommy Koh puts forth four reasons why a recent resolution adopted by Yale faculty is disappointing. […]


IPS Conference on Integration

On 21 May 2012, IPS will be convening a conference on integration to discuss the findings of a 2011 study on the state of relations between local-born and foreign-born Singaporeans. For more information, please click here […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the recently released National Population and Talent Division paper on Singapore’s citizen population scenarios. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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