
IPS Update Issue March 2017

15 Mar 2017


In the Spotlight

P1_150317Lunch Dialogue on the Committee on the Future Economy

On 15 February 2017, IPS organised a timely lunch dialogue for its Corporate Associates to discuss the report by the Committee on the Future Economy (CFE), released on 9 February. The CFE, a 30-member committee of business and government leaders, was set up in 2015 to review Singapore’s economic strategies and make recommendations to keep Singapore competitive.



By Paveena Seah

The ban on pet cats by the Housing Development Board (HDB) has been in place since 1989. However, there are physiological and psychosocial benefits to keeping feline friends, which is especially pertinent to Singapore’s ageing population. Public education, regulation and enforcement can help ensure that cats, like pet dogs, become a part of our HDB communities.


We live in a confusing world but we must stay calm and not be rattled by these developments. In these times, Asia is well poised to “champion the liberal world order” that has enabled it to produce the three biggest growth stories of human history.

Macroeconomic Policy: Implications for SMEs

By Faizal Bin Yahya

February 2017 saw two major Government statements concerning Singapore’s economy: the Committee on the Future Economy’s (CFE) report, and Budget 2017. What are their implications for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), and how can SMEs leverage on the recommendations? IPS Senior Research Fellow Faizal Bin Yahya gives his suggestions on the CFE and Budget 2017 in two separate Op-Eds.


By Mathew Mathews

“While Singaporeans hold national identity dearly, it is their ethnic identities, even if not fully performed, that keep them from cultural homelessness.” This Op-Ed argues that, as the Eurasian community in Singapore “buttresses” its distinctive heritage and ethnic identity, it becomes “ever more Singaporean”.


P6_150317Calm in the Eye of the Storm: Interview with Peter Ho

Peter Ho is IPS’ 2016/17 S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore. IPS caught up with Mr Ho to find out about his current preoccupations, just before his first IPS-Nathan Lecture on 5 April. Register for the first and second lectures here.

P7_150317Call for Participants and Applications

Overseas Singaporean Survey

IPS Social Lab will be conducting an online survey on overseas Singaporeans to better understand their profile and the challenges they face living abroad. Overseas Singaporeans interested in this survey may register their interest to participate here.

Asia Journalism Fellowship

This month, IPS also became the new host of the Asia Journalism Fellowship, taking over from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University. Applications to the programme are now open on their website.

P8_150317-2Closed-Door Discussion on the Sharing Economy in Singapore

The sharing economy has disrupted traditional business models, notably in the accommodation and transport sectors. Other sectors are not immune to its impact either. This closed-door discussion examined the impact of the sharing economy, as well as its implications, on welfare, platform revenue, and ownership.


More people are expressing their opinions online. This seminar presented findings from an on-going study between IPS and the Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC), which aims to develop an online media analytics system that analyses online public opinion. Sentiments on National Day Rally 2016 was highlighted as a case study.

IPS-SAM Spotlight on Cultural Policy Series One: Roundtable on The State of Literature Education and its Implications

How dire is the state literature education in Singapore, and what (if anything) can and should be done about it? Experts at a roundtable discussed this and the implications for citizenship and the literary arts in Singapore. The full report has now been published, here.

IPS with US CODEL and Professor Wang Gungwu

IPS hosted two special sets of guests in the last month.

First, Deputy Director (Research) Dr Gillian Koh hosted a congressional delegation from the United States on 21 February 2017. The delegation comprised Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Alabama), Congressman Denny Heck (D-Washington), and Congressman Rick Larsen (D-Washington).(Top photo)

Next, Professor Wang Gungwu joined our Research Assistants for lunch on 3 March 2017. We discussed, among other subjects, the role of history in our policy making, the meaning of Chinese-ness in Singapore, and the increasing space for the arts in Singapore. (Bottom photo)


2016/17 IPS-Nathan Lectures, Lecture I: Hunting Black Swans and Taming Black Elephants: Governance in a Complex World
Date: 5 April 2017, Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm

What accounts for the growing complexity and unpredictability of our era? What are the cognitive biases and traditional institutional limitations that make it so difficult for governments to recognise, prepare for, and confront complex challenges? This first IPS-Nathan lecture by Mr Peter Ho sets out to answer these questions.

Workshop on “Building Resilient Neighbourhoods: The Convergence of Policies, Research, and Practice”
Date: 7 April 2017, Time: 9.00am – 5.15pm

The landscape of local neighbourhoods change to reflect Singapore’s evolving social fabric. This workshop, jointly organised by IPS Social Lab and the Centre for Sustainable Asian Cities, will examine how social resilience may be enhanced within our neighbourhoods.

2016/17 IPS-Nathan Lectures, Lecture II: Governing in the Anthropocene: Risk and Resilience, Imagination and Innovation
Date: 19 April 2017, Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm

The second lecture in this series explores fresh ideas to promote a spirit of experimentation, trust, and transparency in government, and an imaginative and open process for developing national narratives of resilience, hope, and aspiration.

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers commented on current issues in the past month, including the integrating people with disabilities, and political rallies.
To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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