
IPS Update Issue March 2013

31 Mar 2013


In the Spotlight

Did you miss Singapore Perspectives 2013? View the highlights of the dialogue session with Guest of Honour, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, as well as the other sessions here. […]


Christopher Gee: Wherefore the Productivity of Singapore’s Ageing Population?

Contrary to common conception, is ageing really bad for productivity? Using points raised by Professor Wolfgang Lutz at a recent public lecture, how can adverse effects of an ageing workforce be offset? What is Singapore’s current labour force like and how can policies be better suited to provide continued development for older workers? […]



Zhou Rongchen: SMRT ends trial on station announcements in Mandarin

What were the implications of SMRT’s trial in implementing Mandarin station announcements? Was the furore over the incident and arguments against having these Mandarin announcements valid? Additionally, does transliteration of station names from ethnic dialects and Mandarin to English disregard heritage and geographical history? […]

For a different version written in Mandarin, please see […]


Chiang Wai Fong: Rights and Obligations

What does a change in national identity from immigration entail? Besides the use of legal tools, social rights and obligations require re-negotiation of norms based on consensus. How has language become an obstacle for integration? Lastly, is the current national education sufficient for re-affirming our core national values? […]


Carol Soon: From covert vigilantism to communal vigilance

With the rise of new technologies and social media comes a new form of vigilantism, spurred by the cover of anonymity. How is this form of vigilantism counter-productive to building a gracious society? How can communal vigilance be nurtured instead for a more sustainable solution for Internet regulation? […]


Tan Meng Wah: Time to relook at housing policies

Increasingly high public housing prices highlight the tension between labeling public housing as a consumption good versus a private and investment good. If HDB flats are no longer considered a safe investment, what are some ways of relooking housing policies? Can a new pricing model via the deferment of land price make a difference? […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the White Paper on population and social support for the growing pool of elderly widows. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here

New this month at IPSCommons: A comparison of the White and Blue Papers, observations on Taiwan’s healthcare system, a tribute to women on International Women’s Day and relooking labour market testing.


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